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So I think I was almost jacked...

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  • So I think I was almost jacked...

    Last weekend I was in Ocean City, MD for their twice a year car cruise, staying at a hotel with the family. I was out until 0300 Sunday morning cruising the strip (wife and kids had already turned in). Parked in the hotel garage, started rummaging around the hatch of my car chasing down a woofer problem when I look up and see three Hispanic gentlemen walking slowly past my car. They walk past and stop a few stalls down and start talking amongst themselves in Spanish. I continue to rummage around the hatch and drivers side of the car when the three walk back about 5' from the front of my car. I then started eyeballing them as they talked amongst themselves. Two of them were about 5' nothing and the third was about 6'/medium build. One of the 5' nothings walked up directly in front of my car and then backed off. At this point I was on full alert as the second 5' nothing started walking towards the drivers side of the car where I was. It was then I put my keys between my fingers and opened the car door full on between me and the 5' nothing walking towards me. He saw my fist full of keys and backed off. I then said, "May I help you?" 6' guy replied "How's it going?" I said, "Fine for now. What are you doing in front of my car?" 6' guy replied as they started backing off, "We're just checking parking." I said, "I would suggest you do that somewhere else." They walked to the elevator without looking back and were gone.
    At this point I was a little thrown off because they were all wearing the same white/designed t-shirts. I figured maybe the hotel paid them a few dollars to walk around the garage during the late hours... I ask in the lobby if they have people walking the parking garage and they state they only have one security person on duty. I told them of the three and the security person ran out to check it out. Never heard a thing after that. It's a shame MD does not honor CCW's...
    If it was indeed an attempt, thank Christ and car keys for keeping me safe.

  • #2
    Glad all is well. Just never know these days.


    • #3
      Sounds like you handled it as best you could.
      Ocean City isn't really known to have a big crime problem, unlike some other places in MD. I guess it just goes to show that you can't let your guard down anywhere.
      "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


      • #4
        Damn Puerto ricans. ..


        • #5
          The older i get, the more i see my parents were right - nothing good happens after midnight.


          • #6
            ain't that the truth!

            Glad you're alright. I've gotten to where I just stay out of states that don't allow me to protect myself. They don't deserve any of my tax money.


            • #7
              There is a reason to get up early.


              • #8
                A fistful of keys surely scared them off.


                • #9
                  Don't know what they wanted nor why they left once I acknowledged them. Maybe the 5' nothing would've rather not of been punched in the throat with that fist full of keys through the fingers? I don't know. You must have street smarts to know why they backed off. What's your take?


                  • #10
                    My take is they walked past you while you were fucking with your sub and noticed your box/amp whatever. They came back to check it out to see if it was worth stealing later. They never wanted a confrontation to begin with.


                    • #11
                      Nice guess, but the sub was never on and cannot be seen from the outside. What else you got?


                      • #12
                        Sounds to me like they were going to see if you pussed out when approached, once they saw you become semi-confrontional they knew you were not going to be an easy target, they probably thought you had a weapon of some sort and decided against it. Good job on not being a pussy, thats how most guys get jacked or jumped...
                        Originally posted by Silverback
                        Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                        • #13
                          Maybe they just wanted to check out you ride and they really didn't know how to approach you? Then they saw your fist full of keys and decided to leave before you caused any problems. They left thinking what a dick all we wanted to do was give him props on a nice ride.


                          • #14
                            Thanks everyone. My car is nothing special. Just a bitchin' Camero SS with chronic paint peeling problem. It lives on jackstands more than anything else these days...


                            • #15
                              Sounds to me like 3 nice latino young man were just looking at a car and a crazy white guy tried to stab them with some keys.!

                              Lol jk
                              Check your self bro , you're not that cool.

