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Found some money...

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  • #76
    I would have returned it. In the vein of Vertnut's story, I was waiting tables at Chili's in undergrad. Some guy was eating lunch late in the afternoon shift by himself. He sat there forever and stiffed me on the tip. I go to bus his table afterward and discovered he left his wallet with $600 in it. Turned it into my manager, guy comes barging in frantically as I'm leaving for the day. I tell him I turned the wallet in to my manager and went to go get it. I hand it to the guy, he checks the contents, looks at me and says, "Um, well thanks," and turns around and walks out. Would have still turned it in in retrospect, but damn a little monetary thanks would have been nice.
    Originally posted by davbrucas
    I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

    Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

    You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


    • #77
      Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
      The clerk was an older gentleman whom I feel will do the right thing. I didnt have time to find the rightful owner. Someone may return to the store to see if it was turned in. If not, it doesnt bother me that the clerk pockets it. Its on his conscience. As far as the wasnt mine and I make that amount in just over an hour at work so my conscience is worth more.
      I make more than that by taking guns, drugs, and cash off of people on traffic stops!!!


      • #78
        Originally posted by 95ragtop View Post
        Found a mexican's wallet with 800 bucks in it while taking a shit at On the Border, belonged to one of the cooks, he was quite grateful. He needs a checking account, mason jar, mattress...
        The people in the hood rob illegals and call them "walking ATMs".


        • #79
          Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
          I make more than that by taking guns, drugs, and cash off of people on traffic stops!!!
          lol.. that's the number one reason I will never be a cop


          • #80
            I'd be all like...



            • #81
              Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
              I'd be all like...

              Makin it rain!
              G'Day Mate


              • #82
                If they didn't care enough about the money to take it, then they don't mind if I keep it.


                • #83
                  Its a great thing you did!

                  I lost my wallet back in April of 2009. I had just started my business and every last cent counted at that point! There was a current DL in there along with $450 from cash accounts that I had been collecting from that morning. That money was very important and made up the majority of my deposit for that day... and I never saw it again!

                  I believe I dropped it in a parking lot at a Kroger in Arlington. I had the flu that day and was running something like a 102* fever. I had no business even being out of the house! I had stopped at Kroger to get some meds to try to finish the day and while at the cashier I realized I had no wallet! It was an absolute terrible and sickening feeling!

                  I just put that all out there b/c you truly never know! At that time, that money meant the world to me!
                  Owner of Titan Towing

                  We have your towing needs covered!

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                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                    not all of us have a wife to buy us nice things while we are house husbands like Steve!
                    It could be much worse. I could be some bitter, angry, balding , single guy driving a busted 200hp GT convertible pissed off at the world having to go home to beat my meat to other board members chicks.

                    Life is good.


                    • #85
                      Man, that is a tough situation for me. I would want to give it back, but handing it over to the guy at the counter is pretty much a guarantee that he is going to just pocket it. If it was a bank ATM, I would try to return it that way. I have seen someone drop a $20 at an ATM and start to walk away, I picked it up and handed it back to them, but I actually saw the guy.


                      • #86
                        Hell no I wouldn't of kept it. My dad lost his wallet right before he was gonna take me and my sister to the stock show when we were kids. Someone turned his wallet in to the manager at a restaurant but they took the liberty of cleaning out $500 he had. My dad was crushed and we ended up sitting around watching tv instead. That was all the money he had and he ended up having to borrow money for food and gas for the week.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by 95ragtop View Post
                          Found a mexican's wallet with 800 bucks in it while taking a shit at On the Border, belonged to one of the cooks, he was quite grateful. He needs a checking account, mason jar, mattress...

                          liar. only white guys are allowed to work for Brinker International......
                          HD Parts


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by stephen4785 View Post
                            Hell no I wouldn't of kept it. My dad lost his wallet right before he was gonna take me and my sister to the stock show when we were kids. Someone turned his wallet in to the manager at a restaurant but they took the liberty of cleaning out $500 he had. My dad was crushed and we ended up sitting around watching tv instead. That was all the money he had and he ended up having to borrow money for food and gas for the week.
                            That right there is messed up. If the person that turned it in, but ganked the cash first, then why bother turning it in,

                            If the manager took the cash, then that's slightly less as bad.

                            I personally wouldn't keep the money, but I wouldn't turn it in to the cashier either because of the above story.

                            If it didn't matter that the rightful owner get the money back, then why not just leave it there at the ATM? Perhaps the next person would have called the bank, or was in more need.


                            • #89
                              I would turn the money in as well. My chick and myself were at the allen outlet working into a store. As I was holding the door for a lady to come out and for my girl to go in. I turned for no reason behind to were that lady was walking and saw her drop $100 bill. I picked it up and stop her to give it to her. Her purse was wide open when she put it inside her purse.

