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The rapture has been rescheduled...

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  • The rapture has been rescheduled...

    Seriously, will anybody be stupid enough to believe this whack-job ever again? Sadly, yes. Probably a lot of people.

    OAKLAND, Calif. – California preacher Harold Camping said Monday his prophecy that the world would end was off by five months because Judgment Day actually will come on Oct. 21.
    Camping, who predicted that 200 million Christians would be taken to heaven Saturday before the Earth was destroyed, said he felt so terrible when his doomsday prediction did not come true that he left home and took refuge in a motel with his wife. His independent ministry, Family Radio International, spent millions — some of it from donations made by followers — on more than 5,000 billboards and 20 RVs plastered with the Judgment Day message.
    But Camping said that he's now realized the apocalypse will come five months after May 21, the original date he predicted. He had earlier said Oct. 21 was when the globe would be consumed by a fireball.
    Saturday was "an invisible judgment day" in which a spiritual judgment took place, he said. But the timing and the structure is the same as it has always been, he said.
    "We've always said May 21 was the day, but we didn't understand altogether the spiritual meaning," he said. "May 21 is the day that Christ came and put the world under judgment."
    It's not the first time the independent Christian radio host has been forced to explain when his prediction didn't come to pass. He also predicted the Apocalypse would come in 1994, but said it didn't happen then because of a mathematical error.
    Rather than give his normal daily broadcast on Monday, Camping made a special statement before the press at the Oakland headquarters of the media empire that has broadcast his message. His show, "Open Forum," has for months headlined his doomsday message via the group's radio stations, TV channels, satellite broadcasts and website.
    When the Rapture didn't arrive Saturday, crestfallen followers began turning their attention to more earthly concerns.
    Jeff Hopkins had figured the gas money he spent driving back and forth from Long Island to New York City would be worth it, as long as people could see the ominous sign atop his car warning that the End of the World was nigh.
    "I've been mocked and scoffed and cursed at and I've been through a lot with this lighted sign on top of my car," said Hopkins, 52, a former television producer who lives in Great River, NY. "I was doing what I've been instructed to do through the Bible, but now I've been stymied. It's like getting slapped in the face."
    Camping said Family Radio would never tell anyone what they should do with their possessions.
    "That is between them and God," he said.
    But he said he wouldn't give away all his possessions ahead of Oct 21.
    "I still have to live in a house, I still have to drive a car," he said. "What would be the value of that? If it is Judgment Day why would I give it away?"
    Apocalyptic thinking has always been part of American religious life and popular culture. Teachings about the end of the world vary dramatically — even within faith traditions — about how they will occur.
    Still, the overwhelming majority of Christians reject the idea that the exact date or time of Jesus' return can be predicted.
    Tim LaHaye, co-author of the best-selling "Left Behind" novels about the end times, recently called Camping's prediction "not only bizarre but 100 percent wrong!" He cited the Bible verse Matthew 24:36, "but about that day or hour no one knows" except God.
    "While it may be in the near future, many signs of our times certainly indicate so, but anyone who thinks they `know' the day and the hour is flat out wrong," LaHaye wrote on his website,
    In 2009, the nonprofit Family Radio reported in IRS filings that it received $18.3 million in donations, and had assets of more than $104 million, including $34 million in stocks or other publicly traded securities.
    "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

  • #2
    "I must've put a decimal point in the wrong place or something. Shit!,I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail."


    • #3


      • #4
        Can we just stone the dumbass already?


        • #5
          Jesus is shaking His head.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
            Jesus is shaking His head.
            He's not just doing that, he's giving him a Jesus facepalm.
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #7
              must need more dumb peoples money!


              • #8
                This calls for a Jesus facepalm


                • #9
                  Invisible Judgement Day? Is that like an LOL cat with an invisible hamburger?


                  • #10
                    lmao right on thats my B-day. turn 29 and die sounds about how i figured my life would go.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
                      Jesus is mowing a yard.
                      Originally posted by SSMAN
                      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
                        "I must've put a decimal point in the wrong place or something. Shit!,I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail."
                        The rapture is not some mundane detail!
                        I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                        Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                          The rapture is not some mundane detail!
                          Office Space.

