My bad. I wasn't aware it was already gone once and her post last night was bringing it back. Last night she just said "Hmmm." and I took it that she might have some juicy details on something.
I would delete this thread now that the other is back, but there seems to be too much thread deleting here lately.
I'm just not witty enough to come up with anything other than 'hmm'.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
You're an expert on the subject as well; you shouldn't hurt yourself trying to figure it out.
Not trying to start shit with you... there is enough of that, but after reading the full definition of passive agressive I have come to the conclusion that you use it wrongly most of the time ( not all of the time). I also noted that a lot of the traits of being passive agressive are shown through your posts.
Not trying to start shit with you... there is enough of that, but after reading the full definition of passive agressive I have come to the conclusion that you use it wrongly most of the time ( not all of the time). I also noted that a lot of the traits of being passive agressive are shown through your posts.
Sounds like you need to sit next to Paladin that remedial english class.