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  • #16
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    Ya, bro. I don't see you getting out of that without something in your favor.
    Yeah, I can see that too.

    The only thing comical about this was seeing my boss driving by pointing and laughing while I was getting stopped/ticketed.


    • #17


      • #18
        Thanks Matt, I needed that reminder.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mysticcobrakilla View Post
          Thanks Matt, I needed that reminder.
          Ha! I was surprised no one had posted it already.

          That is going to be hard to fight. There probably isn't any dashcam unless MPD runs around with it on 24/7. We still have the crappy VHS system that only records when you turn it on manually or when you activate the overhead lights. When you turn on the lights, the violation has already occurred so it's too late to catch the infraction.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
            Ha! I was surprised no one had posted it already.

            That is going to be hard to fight. There probably isn't any dashcam unless MPD runs around with it on 24/7. We still have the crappy VHS system that only records when you turn it on manually or when you activate the overhead lights. When you turn on the lights, the violation has already occurred so it's too late to catch the infraction.
            I hear ya, it just pisses me off like no other to know for a fact that I did nothing wrong. Now I get to spend hard earned cash much less time off of work only to fight something that should of never been in the first place.


            • #21
              FWIW, you have to request a copy of the video tape. A buddy did this when he was issued a ticket for running a stop sign. They denied his request saying that they no longer had the footage, or something along those lines.

              The kicker to the story is that I was in the car with him when he was pulled over. There was no way he ran the stop sign especially since he killed the car at the intersection (tuning issues)! Being that it was an automatic, he had to put the car back in park to restart it! The cop was too far away to make a good call on it, but I believe he ended up getting it dismissed when the cop didn't show up for the court date.

              Set a court date and plead your case. It's about the only thing you can do!
              Owner of Titan Towing

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              • #22
                Most of the newer cameras back up 30 seconds. Mine does any time the lights are activated or there is a wreck.

                Oh but depending on storage capacity you need to ask quick we only store for so long before it overwrights it.
                Whos your Daddy?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Kyle View Post
                  FWIW, you have to request a copy of the video tape. A buddy did this when he was issued a ticket for running a stop sign. They denied his request saying that they no longer had the footage, or something along those lines.

                  The kicker to the story is that I was in the car with him when he was pulled over. There was no way he ran the stop sign especially since he killed the car at the intersection (tuning issues)! Being that it was an automatic, he had to put the car back in park to restart it! The cop was too far away to make a good call on it, but I believe he ended up getting it dismissed when the cop didn't show up for the court date.

                  Set a court date and plead your case. It's about the only thing you can do!
                  Lmao! Nothing like having a officer in the car while getting a ticket.

                  I know that setting a court date is about all I can do but is it worth the risk of being found guilty anyway and it going on my record which will have severe ramifications on my CDL and my job.

                  I almost laughed when the officer was explaining why he was writing me the citation and I explained to him that the only light that was red was the left turn lane. He responded with "Uhhhhhhhhuuuuum... Long silent pause.....have a nice day"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mysticcobrakilla View Post
                    Lmao! Nothing like having a officer in the car while getting a ticket.

                    I know that setting a court date is about all I can do but is it worth the risk of being found guilty anyway and it going on my record which will have severe ramifications on my CDL and my job.

                    I almost laughed when the officer was explaining why he was writing me the citation and I explained to him that the only light that was red was the left turn lane. He responded with "Uhhhhhhhhuuuuum... Long silent pause.....have a nice day"
                    If there is any chance I am wrong, I don't write, hell I don't waste my time to even stop someone in that case. Cheesy tickets FTMFL.

                    Also, I avoid writing CDL'ers if possible. I've only written 2 tickets to CDL'ers in almost 20 years.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                      Most of the newer cameras back up 30 seconds. Mine does any time the lights are activated or there is a wreck.

                      Oh but depending on storage capacity you need to ask quick we only store for so long before it overwrights it.
                      [ ] overwright
                      [ ] overrite
                      [ ] overright
                      [X] overwrite


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                        I wouldnt recommend wasting ur cash on a lawyer... Those weazels will tell you they got this, np. THen youlll go in and he'll ask you to plea guilty for a lower charge. My .02s
                        Yeah, but depending on the lawyer they could be on good schmoozing terms w/ the DA so a guilty plea will get a significantly lesser charge.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                          [ ] overwright
                          [ ] overrite
                          [ ] overright
                          [X] overwrite
                          Bitch. LOL I guess my auto correct said FTP.!!!
                          Whos your Daddy?


                          • #28

                            After siting in court for two and half hours. I beat the bs ticket!

                            Thanks for the advice guys.
                            A big thanks goes out to Matt for the very serious advice!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mysticcobrakilla View Post

                              After siting in court for two and half hours. I beat the bs ticket!

                              Thanks for the advice guys.
                              A big thanks goes out to Matt for the very serious advice!
                              Congrats on that. Details on why it was dismissed?

                              Originally posted by SSMAN
                              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by stevo View Post
                                Congrats on that. Details on why it was dismissed?

                                Long story but I used the cops actions against him in court. He basically fucked himself. I can't go in to it much more than that.

