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The end of the world..

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  • #31
    Everybody has to go sometime. Hopefully it's quick when it happens for me. If the rapture comes, there is fuck-all I can do about it. No sense to in worrying about things you can't control.


    • #32
      I already have my FEMA casket picked out!
      Wanna see my care face???


      • #33
        Are you fucking kidding me? Even religiuous crazies say this is a bullshit prediction coming up. I guess next Saturday we'll see though.
        "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


        • #34
          No poll option for "Only if there is zombies"


          • #35
            It's not "The End of the World" that I worry about, rather the times leading up to it. Shit is only going to get worse before it gets better. I have taken it from an issue to worry about, to a hobby of preparing for an alternative way of living for my family to have the comfort and security that they have today in any situation.

            Most of you might think that I just sit back and grow an ulcer over it, but it's quite the opposite. I speak about it a lot in hopes that others might make slight adjustments and preparations to give them a slight advanatge over the masses that are going to have a rough time with the major change that's about to take place.

            The "End of the World" is the easy part, especially if you know the outcome.


            • #36
              Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
              Are you fucking kidding me? Even religiuous crazies say this is a bullshit prediction coming up. I guess next Saturday we'll see though.
              Right. This 21 May bullshit is just another scare tactic that is designed to get people to either follow someone a certain way, discredit anything like it once the time has passed and nothing happen or distract the masses from something else going on.


              • #37
                I believe the world will come to a end as everything does but not in the 2012 stuff. Technology is to advanced that if this was to be true their will be no hiding it.


                • #38
                  Well... this next big change is in plain view.


                  • #39
                    I think about it from time to time. As a Christian, I'm not worried about the end times and know I get to check out and go home when things get bad. Don't really care when it happens as Christ himself said that on the Father knows the day.

                    That said, I have firearms, training, a garden, and food and water stockpiled against bad times.
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      I think about it from time to time. As a Christian, I'm not worried about the end times and know I get to check out and go home when things get bad. Don't really care when it happens as Christ himself said that on the Father knows the day.

                      That said, I have firearms, training, a garden, and food and water stockpiled against bad times.
                      So you're a Pre-Tribber?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by SEB View Post
                        A+ I am with you on this. I have about 20 lbs of Rice & Beans & a shit load of seeds for veggies and beans ready to go if shit hits the fan in this country.

                        Also between my Dad & my gun loving brother there is 6 M-16 Assalt rifles along with 2 M-4s & 4000 rounds of ammo & $10,000 in Gold bars. I hope to be ready if the shit hits the fan & I BET ANY OF YOU the man with the Guns & ammo will be sitting pretty!

                        Oh and I hate REM they suck Donkey Balls
                        What are you going to do after the first month? If you're thinking about it, you need to have a way to produce/grow food which will put you in a position that forces you to defend the food. Also, be prepared for rot, mold, rodents, etc. Most people that think about the end of the world miss about 95% of what they need for long term survival.

                        $10k in gold bars is about 6.5 1oz bars.


                        • #42
                          Although that will not sustain long, it is tons more than the average knuckle dragger will have (before the looting).


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Denny View Post
                            So you're a Pre-Tribber?
                            Yes, though even if I'm off and have to go through the tribulation, I'm okay with that as I know the payoff
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              Yes, though even if I'm off and have to go through the tribulation, I'm okay with that as I know the payoff
                              I was thinking of starting a thread about it, to see what kind of conclusions others came to. I was pre before I really researched it.


                              • #45
                                I've researched it quite a bit and read the Bible repeatedly and it really doesn't say. It's kind of contrary to the entire theme of the Bible to think we're getting out without being tested (as iron needs fire to temper it) so while I'm hoping for Pre, I'm preparing for post.
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

