Oh yes, you're a model of restraint and taking the high road, calling Brent a child molester and trying to shine my divorce in a negative light. Sometimes I wonder why you post on here instead of a Prius board. Give me a fucking break.
Its all good. Just trying to have a discussion with you.
Well since you guys think it was about generating revenue you're sorely mistaken. Saying it doesn't go to the city but it goes to the state. Where do you think the state funding goes too. Its broke down by line items, state money funds your department. Granted saying its sole purpose is money isn't what I'm getting at. Either way its stupid to drink and drive but to say money isn't a factor is kind of naive. We're a capitalist society... Money makes the world go round!
When I was a kid cops kicked us out of vacant lots on our bicycles (we even ran from them often, lol, wow that was dumb) and out of just about anything with pavement on our skateboards, I got older and they kicked us out of industrial areas for street racing, out of nightclubs/raves/house parties/frathouses/river party spots in college, then out of empty lots on motorcycles, then out of night clubs/bars at close.
Never really thought about it, but agents of gov't have been following me around my entire life with their hand in my wallet for one reason or another.
Kind of crazy.
I need my own compound in Mexico where I can be left alone and have the freedom of Old America.
We are having a discussion. That's what happens when two people are exchanging words and sentences.
Ok, let me rephrase myself. I was trying to have a friendly conversation rather than some adversarial thing. I don't want a problem with you Eric, I'm not looking to challenge you in any way other than get to know you better. If you're not open to that, then fine. The internet is your domain, I get it. But I'm not going anywhere no matter how you decide to try to treat me. If you and I have a problem, let's work it out one way or another because there is no reason to have this constant clash going on. It's a waste of time and energy.
Ok, let me rephrase myself. I was trying to have a friendly conversation rather than some adversarial thing. I don't want a problem with you Eric, I'm not looking to challenge you in any way other than get to know you better. If you're not open to that, then fine. The internet is your domain, I get it. But I'm not going anywhere no matter how you decide to try to treat me. If you and I have a problem, let's work it out one way or another because there is no reason to have this constant clash going on. It's a waste of time and energy.
That's fascinating stuff. You've made half a dozen sideways comments to me since this board was launched, then I'm all of a sudden the guy with a problem when I say something that is on everyone elses mind. Do you ever take any personal responsibility for your mouth, or is it always just the same tired passive aggressive deflections? "It's not me, it's the other 500 regulars that don't get it!" Are we seriously about to go down that road again?
So EVERY DWI arrest is soley based on the hopes of getting GOVT funding?
Give ME a fucking break.
I'm sure if some drunk goes and runs over your wife, you wouldn't give a shit.
So we should just go ahead and think this is what happens every time?
You are the one who said:
Originally posted by 03trubluGT
So, how much does the PD make?
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the hyperbole but if that is the only way you can defend that asinine statement of yours then I'd say you should probably think more before typing.
As for "ZOMG my wife might get run over by a DRUNK DRIVER!", well I have never been attacked by a pterodactyl either but you don't see me planning my life around the possibility.
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.