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Biggest waste of money

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  • Biggest waste of money

    Textbooks. Damn things depreciate like no other. I have $1000 worth of books from school that Im lucky to get $200 for from Amazon. Half the crap Im trading in are still wrapped in plastic. Almost would rather burn them this winter for kindling

  • #2
    I always buy used whenever I can. If I have to go new, I try to get them online rather than in the bookstore. It's frustrating as fuck.
    One year, I dropped almost $300 for my (used) A&P 1 set that was supposed to get me through A&P 1 and 2. The very next semester, I had to drop another $400 for the brand new book set that was a different author, rather than a revision of the old one. It's bullshit.


    • #3
      I rent mine online from cheggs for 75% cheaper.


      • #4
        It's a racket and they love every minute of it.


        • #5
          Clerk: "Yes sir that chemistry book today will be $250. Please remember you can sell it back at the end of the semester for $25. That way we can resell the same book next semester for another $250 to the next smuck that comes in...have a good day."


          • #6
            I've had pretty good luck. I typically bought used for about 2/3 of the new price, and they bought them back for just slightly under that at the bookstore. Now on Amazon, I could typically buy them used for less than the college paid me in buy back. IF they didn't punk out and change books.


            • #7
              Textbooks are the biggest scam on college. Everyone talks about the hugely increasing prices of a college education but the politicians never give a second of attention to the textbook scam that state run colleges continue every semester. They could end all of this shit tomorrow and make books dirt cheap if they really wanted to.


              • #8
                The greatest thing is having to buy books for a class that are written by the professor. Nothing like consistent sales.

                My rented book for this semester were approximately $700 including software and remote clickers for in class participation.


                • #9
                  I rarely buy/bought textbooks. Depends on the class but you can get by without a textbook in most classes. If not I got it at the library or a PDF online, unless I absolutely needed a hard copy.


                  • #10
                    I always hated the text book bs in college. Every now and then I had a cool professor that would tell us to just get the old edition, which those were usually about $10 online. I loved seeing the looks on the overly organized peoples faces who had already bought their books before the first day of class.


                    • #11
                      Doesn't really bother me, it all comes back in taxes the next year.


                      • #12
                        My wife gets her Textbooks on and we rarely find them any cheaper elsewhere.


                        • #13
                          To buy: find friends who have previously taken the class, or use ebay,, amazon, etc

                          To sell: use ebay or and make sure you sell right before the semester starts.


                          • #14
                            if you think thats expensive, try being dumb.

                            god bless.
                            It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                            • #15
                              Buy the international editions. It's the same content for a fraction of the price. High textbook prices are an American phenomenon.

