I always hated the text book bs in college. Every now and then I had a cool professor that would tell us to just get the old edition, which those were usually about $10 online. I loved seeing the looks on the overly organized peoples faces who had already bought their books before the first day of class.
Shit, in lab classes and condensed classes, you have to or you're fucked. I've had classes where my first practical was at the end of the first week.
I've gotten lucky the last 3 semesters to where I have friends that previously took the classes and lent me the books. But I agree that the whole textbook thing is bullshit!
Our education system is staffed and run by some of the most unethical people in the world. They rape everyone in the name of "The Children". One of these days the American public will wake up. ALL schools should be private. Why don't we have public plumbers, painters, auto mechanics, or barbers. The only thing is that all the toilets would be stopped up, no cars would run, and you would have hair down to your ass before you could get an appointment.
I bought what I could online or would put postings around school/myspace/facebook/mass texts at the end of a semester offering double what someone would get for selling the book back. Worked fairly well.
Might not be as effective if you don't go to a big university
I always hated the text book bs in college. Every now and then I had a cool professor that would tell us to just get the old edition, which those were usually about $10 online. I loved seeing the looks on the overly organized peoples faces who had already bought their books before the first day of class.
I used to get so pissed at the faggot prof's that would tell us we needed the books only to N-E-V-E-R go off them the entire semester.
I used to get so pissed at the faggot prof's that would tell us we needed the books only to N-E-V-E-R go off them the entire semester.
Now that does annoy me. For the most part though I've had several Profs say "I didn't tell you guys this, but if you bought the book take it back immediately and get a refund if you still can." A lot of the time I will email the Prof before the class and ask if they recommend the text or if we will be going off lectures.