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Women with road rage

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  • #16
    Originally posted by orphan Shelby View Post
    Haha,that would be awesome. Who gave the ticket if you were off duty?
    He'll correct me if I'm wrong, but cops can enforce the law on and off duty.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
      Exactly. I'm always armed, but very level headed and this bitch was going off like she had a roof mounted, thought activated howitzer.
      I'd have alot of fun until the light turned green.


      • #18
        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
        I usually don't care for police too much, but that is an AWESOME story. You never know who you're fucking with on the roads.
        If you liked that one, you'll love this one.

        In 1998 I was living in Ennis and driving to FTW 5 days a week (about 600 miles a week). I had a 1995 Civic EX sedan for the gas mileage. I was going north on 287 between Midlothian and Mansfield (this was when 287 was a 2 lane (one lane each way) road). I had a guy riding my ass and I came up on another car. The car in front of me hit it's brakes, so I hit mine. The guy behind me must have thought I brake checked him, and he almost hit me. After that he was riding my ass so close all I could see in the rear view was the hood of his truck, his grill was entirely obscured by my trunk.

        When we got to the part where 287 branched out into a divided highway, I got into the right lane in hopes he would just pass, but he kept on my ass honking and flashing his lights (this was about 5:30 am and it was still dark). I started to pull to the shoulder in hopes he would pass, if not I was just going to explain that I had to slow down for the car in front of me.

        As I pulled the parking brake and opened the door, I started to get out when I heard footsteps running up to me. As I got out of the car, he yelled "what are you going to do, mother fucker!" and swung with his right. I leaned back to avoid the punch and put my right foot square in his chest and kicked him back. I was trapped in my open door with nowhere to manuever. As he came back at me, I pulled my S&W 4006 from my holster (I was a detective, and was wearing a button down long sleeve shirt, dress belt, khaki pants, and dress shoes with a holster on my right side and my badge clipped to my belt on the front left side) as soon as he was in reach, I planted the barrel of my gun into his forhead and pushed him backwards. As soon as he had a gun in his forehead, he turned as white a sheet. I walked him back to he back of my car, to the shoulder and then handcuffed him. I sat him on the shoulder and called for Mansfield PD. They came out and cash bonded him on tickets.

        Before they arrived, I had a nice chat with the fellow. I was in my early 30's, 6' and 215 lbs, this guy was in his late 40's 5'8" and about 170. I kindly explained that if I wasn't a cop, I would have beat his ass and left him for dead in the ditch. He apologized profusely.

        He must have plead guilty and paid the tickets, because I was never notified to go to court.

        Oh, and as a side note, the responding officer asked me if the circle on his forhead was a barrel imprint, and I confirmed that it was.


        • #19
          HOLY CRAP that awesome!


          • #20
            Originally posted by orphan Shelby View Post
            Haha,that would be awesome. Who gave the ticket if you were off duty?
            The officer in the parking lot.

            I can write tickets off duty. Once I was driving west on I20 when I was flooded by the police helicopter's spotlight. I wondered why he was lighting me up until I noticed the crotch rocket behind me. When the bike passed me, the light followed the bike.

            I got on the radio (I was off work, but still in uniform) and asked Air1 what the deal was. Air1 said that he had clocked the bike at 118 on I35. The bike took Hulen and stopped at the red light. I jumped out of my car and grabbed the guy while he was looking at the helicopter. I got his keys and ID and wrote the ticket for the officer in Air1.

            We are officers 24 hours a day. People have a misnomer that we can't do anything "off duty", but they soon find out they are dead wrong.


            • #21
              Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
              Not gonna quote the whole thing
              CHL aside, that's exactly why I don't fuck with other cars. I'm not a small man, but all it takes is one corn-fed and pissed of guy to make me wish I hadn't tailgated.

              Your story totally illustrates how a 3k pound car makes people feel invincible. Had you not been a cop, you would have pounded the dude, and left him on the side of the road.


              • #22
                Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                We are officers 24 hours a day. People have a misnomer that we can't do anything "off duty", but they soon find out they are dead wrong.
                I'm right for once. Exactly why I cringe when I see certain board members that are officers at parties. I am glad that they are there and having a good time, but I still am on my best behavior, as always of course.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                  I had a girl intentionally box me in for about 15 miles, and almost caused a wreck by cutting off another car when I had an out. I started following her, and it must have scared the hell out of her, because she drove to a police station. When she ran up to an officer in the parking lot and pointed me out, he recognized me and asked me how I was doing. You should have seen her face. She recieved a few citations for her actions.
                  Haha what a stupid bitch.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Big A View Post
                    I'm right for once. Exactly why I cringe when I see certain board members that are officers at parties. I am glad that they are there and having a good time, but I still am on my best behavior, as always of course.
                    I get all of my smack from cops. I get it cheap, too.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                      I get all of my smack from cops. I get it cheap, too.
                      How much, he said that I was getting the "buddy" price. PM me.


                      • #26
                        ebonic black chick in a kia cut me off on 35 in lancaster, she threw a water bottle at my car and missed.

                        I didnt miss when i threw a full 44oz drpepper INTO her drivers side window after she tells me her gang is coming to fuck me up.


                        • #27
                          I didn't have my glasses on, and thought the title said "Women with roid rage".

                          Originally posted by SSMAN
                          ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Big A View Post
                            I'm right for once. Exactly why I cringe when I see certain board members that are officers at parties. I am glad that they are there and having a good time, but I still am on my best behavior, as always of course.
                            When I've come to a few GTG's, I've caught a ration of shit for drinking Cokes and water.
                            Last edited by 03trubluGT; 05-07-2011, 09:46 PM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Aceman85turbo View Post
                              ebonic black chick in a kia cut me off on 35 in lancaster, she threw a water bottle at my car and missed.

                              I didnt miss when i threw a full 44oz drpepper INTO her drivers side window after she tells me her gang is coming to fuck me up.
                              Heh, I had some bitch tailgating me one time while driving to work. After about 5 minutes of her being up my ass with the high beams on, I calmly emptied my coffee out the drivers window, at 70 mph. I don't think she liked the way the extra sugar and cream stuck to her windshield.

                              Originally posted by SSMAN
                              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Big A View Post
                                CHL aside, that's exactly why I don't fuck with other cars. I'm not a small man, but all it takes is one corn-fed and pissed of guy to make me wish I hadn't tailgated.

                                Your story totally illustrates how a 3k pound car makes people feel invincible. Had you not been a cop, you would have pounded the dude, and left him on the side of the road.

                                Or shot him.

