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Women with road rage

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Few things are worse than a woman putting on makeup who comes flying up behind your bike (I have a cruiser) without noticing you. I yanked the bike over to the shoulder and let her pass but that seemed to piss her off even more. She spent the next 5 miles trying to run me off the road because evidently, my red bike pissed her off beyond all reasoning.

    I didn't have many options and couldn't outrun her SUV so I just cut over into the passing lane and romped on the brakes and let her go. That's one of the few times I wish that I would have been armed as I think a couple in her fender would have been appropriate.
    I had a taxi driver brake check me on 183 one day, thank god I halfway saw it coming...
    Ring and pinion specialist


    • #62
      This kind of thing happens to me all the time on Legacy going east from Preston to 75 when I'm trying to go to the Chinese market over there. Inevitably there's some woman going 30 mph in a 45 who doesn't want to let me pass and will cut over two lanes just to get in front of me. I try to let it slide 99% of the time, but if they're going to cut me off when I'm two lanes of traffic over and not let me get around them when I change lanes it starts to bother me.

      On the converse side, I was in the right lane over in the same area one day going 45 (speed limit), and there were two other lanes for her to pass. She was in some large SUV, I think it was a Tahoe, but she was inches from my bumper for a couple miles. I was changing lanes and she was stuck to my bumper like glue, so I gave my e-brake a little tug and she swerved out of the way, but still got back behind me. She followed me for another few miles until I pulled into the parking lot at the market and she stopped and confronted me as if she had done nothing wrong. When I questioned her about why she felt the need to not just go around me if she wanted to break the law and go over the speed limit she said she would call the cops because I brake checked her. I welcomed her to call them, and even offered my cell phone. She backed down and drove away.

      Some people just have this sense of entitlement that takes over them, and I'd prefer to just let them go on their merry way. As they say, however, desperate times call for desperate measures.

      Edit: Trublu, your stories are fucking awesome, lol.


      • #63
        Originally posted by greenbullitt View Post
        I had a taxi driver brake check me on 183 one day, thank god I halfway saw it coming...
        why are cabs and towncars always in the fast lane? i live right off 121 north of the airport and i swear its as if no other lanes exist!

        god bless.
        It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


        • #64
          Another category of road pricks: handicap people.

          Regardless of what the speed limit sign says it really means less to these people. Followed one this morning and they never touched 45mph (in a 55) while staying in the left lane watching butterflies, possibly eating pennies or dreaming about giving people hugs.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Neil View Post
            Edit: Trublu, your stories are fucking awesome, lol.

            Agreed x 1000, please sir, either start a thread of epic police tales, or just keep dropping them in here. Pure gold you have.


            • #66
              I drive a crappy cavalier to work during the week, there are at least 3 different colors of paint on it from people who thought I cared about my shitty little car, lol. It's really funny when a guy in a brand new Lexus or Mercedes or something tries to force his way into my lane before he realizes I really want him to hit me so his insurance can buy me a better car
              Originally posted by Nash B.
              Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Wicked98Snake View Post
                I drive a crappy cavalier to work during the week, there are at least 3 different colors of paint on it from people who thought I cared about my shitty little car, lol. It's really funny when a guy in a brand new Lexus or Mercedes or something tries to force his way into my lane before he realizes I really want him to hit me so his insurance can buy me a better car
                LMAO. That shit drives me insane. These self-important people who think it's okay to rush all the way up in a construction zone or lane-merge and just expect people to let them in. I could really give two shits about a dent in my fender if one of them wants to force themselves in just because they don't want to wait in line like the rest of us, because as you said, their insurance is paying, not mine.


                • #68
                  Plenty of douches out there that haven't learned not to fuck with ugly cars.
                  G'Day Mate


                  • #69
                    I drive through a lot of Dallas traffic to get to work in the morning. The only thing that bothers me are the tailgaters. You get these assholes who drive 55 mph on a street marked 35 mph and they follow you at less than half a car length. Myself, I don't follow people closely but sometimes I get behind these assholes and crawl up their ass to give them a taste. I drive a 3/4 ton Dodge 4X4 so nobody in their right mind will brake check me unless they want a Cummins engine in their back seat.
                    Originally posted by racrguy
                    What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                    Originally posted by racrguy
                    Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Neil View Post
                      LMAO. That shit drives me insane. These self-important people who think it's okay to rush all the way up in a construction zone or lane-merge and just expect people to let them in. I could really give two shits about a dent in my fender if one of them wants to force themselves in just because they don't want to wait in line like the rest of us, because as you said, their insurance is paying, not mine.
                      It drives me inane that someone will let those assholes in 9 times out of 10.
                      Big Rooster Racing "Dare to win well."


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Neil View Post
                        These self-important people who think it's okay to rush all the way up in a construction zone or lane-merge and just expect people to let them in. I could really give two shits about a dent in my fender if one of them wants to force themselves in just because they don't want to wait in line like the rest of us
                        You'll find me on 161 from 183 blocking those cock suckers every morning. I get screams, middle fingers, etc.. fuck em all.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                          You'll find me on 161 from 183 blocking those cock suckers every morning. I get screams, middle fingers, etc.. fuck em all.
                          Good. You'll find me on the 635/121 South interchange doing the same thing most days, and it used to be where the right hand lane of 35 closes up going north into Corinth when I lived in Denton. I can't fucking stand it. These ass-holes can't sincerely tell me that they didn't see 8 god damned signs over the last mile saying "XXXX Lane Closed Ahead. Merge Left/Right," especially when they drive the same way every day.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                            I drive through a lot of Dallas traffic to get to work in the morning. The only thing that bothers me are the tailgaters. You get these assholes who drive 55 mph on a street marked 35 mph and they follow you at less than half a car length. Myself, I don't follow people closely but sometimes I get behind these assholes and crawl up their ass to give them a taste. I drive a 3/4 ton Dodge 4X4 so nobody in their right mind will brake check me unless they want a Cummins engine in their back seat.
                            Women don't think in terms of physics. They would just be thinking "I'm going to teach this asshole a lesson!"



                            • #74
                              Originally posted by IHaveAMustang View Post
                              Agreed x 1000, please sir, either start a thread of epic police tales, or just keep dropping them in here. Pure gold you have.
                              My wife keeps prodding me to write a book.

                              There would definately be a story about when I chased Jesus Christ wearing a jock strap and combat boots.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                                My wife keeps prodding me to write a book.

                                There would definately be a story about when I chased Jesus Christ wearing a jock strap and combat boots.
                                Wait, what, who was in the JS and boots? No Pics Please!!
                                G'Day Mate

