Originally posted by Steve
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Women with road rage
Originally posted by Machx2 View PostFor some reason that is just how some think. Same goes for women being aggressive with officers. They think you can't hit them or be rough, however a woman can kill you just as fast as a man. A fellow officer that I work with was just investigated for excessive force on a woman once she complained. She ran from us and he tackled her. That was it, she apparently thought a male officer couldn't tackle her. Its just the way the world has gone really.
Anytime an officer puts tells you something or puts his hands on you, it's just best to comply with what he says. Even if he's just being a prick or having a bad day, it's even more reason not to give him a reason to escalate the situation. If you don't, then you are just giving them free charges to stack on you to go along with their bad attitude. And let's not forget, getting into a confrontation with an officer, even if it's not touching them going the opposite direction, is just asking for a asswhooping, tased or even getting shot.
There are some good cops out there who want to do the right thing to help people still. Not all cops are power hungry assholes 24/7. But I would definetely say that it is much more difficult to trust a police officer these days.
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostI don't know a single woman that would stand her ground if a man confronted her in a manner that could lead to a physical throwdown.
Ever been in an argument with a man (husband, boyfriend, etc) and he grabs you by the shoulders?
This is a man basically saying "I am allowing you to live. If a man attempted to grab my shoulders like this, I would kill him. But you are aware of the fact that right now I am allowing you to live"
I saw ONE chick when I was younger that was talking tough, trying to be a hard ass and trying to pick a fight with a guy by emasculating him. He ignored her because guys aren't supposed to hit girls. Until she swung at him and this dude rocked back and fired a fist right into her face. The resulting body dropping, sobbing & tears, and cries of "why would you hit me?!" made me laugh hysterically.
I've been hit once and I've only hit one person; an ex-boyfriend when I was 16. I was trying to break up with him nicely, wasn't provoking him, but he decided to backhand me. I flew into a blind rage, so the next thing I remember was my grandfather pulling me off him and throwing me into my bedroom.
I somehow got him on the ground, had his arms pinned under my knees, and was beating the fuck out of him. He told his mom and friends that he broke his nose playing street hockey.
Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View Post
I somehow got him on the ground, had his arms pinned under my knees, and was beating the fuck out of him. He told his mom and friends that he broke his nose playing street hockey.
When S&M goes too far. I bet he wished he remembered the safe word!
Originally posted by comeagainjen View Posta man who hits a woman for the sake of proving his manliness is a pussy, but if a woman stands toe to toe and asserts herself in a man's position to prove she's a badass, that is an entirely different story. I don't care what sex you are, you don't throw a punch if you don't expect to take one in return.
I've been hit once and i've only hit one person; an ex-boyfriend when i was 16. I was trying to break up with him nicely, wasn't provoking him, but he decided to backhand me. I flew into a blind rage, so the next thing i remember was my grandfather pulling me off him and throwing me into my bedroom.
I somehow got him on the ground, had his arms pinned under my knees, and was beating the fuck out of him. He told his mom and friends that he broke his nose playing street hockey.
Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View PostI stood my fucking ground and had the shit beat out of me before I won with a double kick to his fucking nose. Broke that bitch big timeThen again this was my exhusband and I was protecting my child.
I wouldn't dare start shit with a man. Men are only human and have the same boundaries and expectations as women do for people respecting those boundaries. Cross it, and prepare for whatever you get because at that point, you deserve it.) knows that in a fight with a man she'll be overpowered and easily hurt.
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostCompletely different scenario and standing up for your kids is something primal. I'm talking about chicks that try to act like they are gangsta, behind the wheel or not. Even my woman, a 2nd degree black belt (fuck off Steve!) knows that in a fight with a man she'll be overpowered and easily hurt.
Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View PostA man who hits a woman for the sake of proving his manliness is a pussy, but if a woman stands toe to toe and asserts herself in a man's position to prove she's a badass, that is an entirely different story. I don't care what sex you are, you don't throw a punch if you don't expect to take one in return.
I've been hit once and I've only hit one person; an ex-boyfriend when I was 16. I was trying to break up with him nicely, wasn't provoking him, but he decided to backhand me. I flew into a blind rage, so the next thing I remember was my grandfather pulling me off him and throwing me into my bedroom.
I somehow got him on the ground, had his arms pinned under my knees, and was beating the fuck out of him. He told his mom and friends that he broke his nose playing street hockey.
Originally posted by Steve View PostThat's ridiculous.
Anytime an officer puts tells you something or puts his hands on you, it's just best to comply with what he says. Even if he's just being a prick or having a bad day, it's even more reason not to give him a reason to escalate the situation. If you don't, then you are just giving them free charges to stack on you to go along with their bad attitude. And let's not forget, getting into a confrontation with an officer, even if it's not touching them going the opposite direction, is just asking for a asswhooping, tased or even getting shot.
There are some good cops out there who want to do the right thing to help people still. Not all cops are power hungry assholes 24/7. But I would definetely say that it is much more difficult to trust a police officer these days.
Originally posted by ComeAgainJen View PostA man who hits a woman for the sake of proving his manliness is a pussy, but if a woman stands toe to toe and asserts herself in a man's position to prove she's a badass, that is an entirely different story. I don't care what sex you are, you don't throw a punch if you don't expect to take one in return.
I've been hit once and I've only hit one person; an ex-boyfriend when I was 16. I was trying to break up with him nicely, wasn't provoking him, but he decided to backhand me. I flew into a blind rage, so the next thing I remember was my grandfather pulling me off him and throwing me into my bedroom.
I somehow got him on the ground, had his arms pinned under my knees, and was beating the fuck out of him. He told his mom and friends that he broke his nose playing street hockey.
Originally posted by Machx2 View PostWell she had traffic warrants and he just saw her buying dope. So he went over there talked to her and got her ID. I showed up and she just took off running. They both outran me ( I am 5'11 220lbs and not a quick runner) so by the time I caught up he was just tackling her. We got cocaine and marijuana off of her. She filed the complaint with the county, and well it is election season so naturally they looked into it but there was nothing for them to find. We were both wearing body cams so it got everything that was needed. Matt probably has alot better stories then I do. He has been at it alot longer.
It's the assholes with a bad attitude harrassing people for tint, or no front LP, noise pollution etc just as an exuse to make a stop to ask a bunch of questions that is none of their fucking business is what irritates me.
How stupid would you be to invite some cop you have never met to a party at your house? I would never allow anyone to do any sort of drug at my home, they'd get their ass thrown out the front door in record time. But I also don't need someone to play cop. It is obvious from some of the posts on this board and Canada that some people in that profession take themselves just a little bit too seriously.Originally posted by racrguyWhat's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?Originally posted by racrguyVoting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostEveryone stereotypes black guysOn behalf of the white race, Jared, I'm sorry.