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Teacher looking for a new job.. budget cuts :/

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  • Teacher looking for a new job.. budget cuts :/

    So about 3 weeks ago I was told my contract would not be renewed due to a budget shortage (also declared financial exigency) and theres still I may get rehired, when and how is the question noone has the answer to. Anyways long story short, I've been looking at districts thoughout the state and I haven't had much luck finding anything or all my connections have tried to get me in to open jobs but when you have hundreds/thousands of applicants odd are not very good. So, I have 2 options.

    1) continue to look and hope I can get another teaching/coaching job,

    2) look for another career path.

    Any advice or anyone know of districts hiring within the state? I am generalist 4-8 and all level PE. I have a degree in Exercise and Sport Science.

    I know this is probably not the place but I'm sure someone knows someone or may have an idea on a new career choice I could look into that I haven't thought about. NO working the corner or stripping lol

  • #2
    I'm not in education, but best of luck in your search.


    • #3
      I lucked out and was able to get my contract renewed for next year. It's tough times, for sure. My $.02 would be to add some certifications to your resume (i.e., Special Ed, ESL, etc.) that would make you more marketable and will make you stand out from the rest.

      It's tough times, for sure and if I hear anything, I'll post up...
      Token Split Tail

      Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
      Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
      You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


      • #4
        Originally posted by gav91183 View Post
        Any advice or anyone know of districts hiring within the state? I am generalist 4-8 and all level PE. I have a degree in Exercise and Sport Science.... NO working the corner or stripping lol
        If you're teaching kickball, I'm sure stripping is out of the question anyway. There has never, ever, been an attractive female Phys Ed teacher.


        • #5
          Originally posted by clevelandkid View Post
          There has never, ever, been an attractive female Phys Ed teacher.
          Last edited by diablo rojo; 12-07-2015, 01:38 PM.

