So about 3 weeks ago I was told my contract would not be renewed due to a budget shortage (also declared financial exigency) and theres still I may get rehired, when and how is the question noone has the answer to. Anyways long story short, I've been looking at districts thoughout the state and I haven't had much luck finding anything or all my connections have tried to get me in to open jobs but when you have hundreds/thousands of applicants odd are not very good. So, I have 2 options.
1) continue to look and hope I can get another teaching/coaching job,
2) look for another career path.
Any advice or anyone know of districts hiring within the state? I am generalist 4-8 and all level PE. I have a degree in Exercise and Sport Science.
I know this is probably not the place but I'm sure someone knows someone or may have an idea on a new career choice I could look into that I haven't thought about. NO working the corner or stripping lol
1) continue to look and hope I can get another teaching/coaching job,
2) look for another career path.
Any advice or anyone know of districts hiring within the state? I am generalist 4-8 and all level PE. I have a degree in Exercise and Sport Science.
I know this is probably not the place but I'm sure someone knows someone or may have an idea on a new career choice I could look into that I haven't thought about. NO working the corner or stripping lol
