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Wierd stuff at work?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by clevelandkid View Post
    ...I'd go play 9 holes at lunch...
    I did that today.


    • #62
      Originally posted by ImayBblack View Post
      Doubt it. They are all old and married with kids. It's like a game to them.
      Google "lemon party" and see if your coworkers are there...


      • #63
        Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
        There is a Filipino that sits behind me. In his late 50's I think. He likes to sings songs throughout the day. He just got done singing American Pie out of the blue.
        That cracks me up. I have Khan Souphanousinphone's voice in my head trying to sing "American Pie" now.


        • #64
          2007 during a company wide RIF one guy is told to go to the meeting for it where he proceeded to lean back in his chair, light up a cigarette, turn his radio really loud and told the manager "fuck you, I ain't goin ANYWHERE unless you carry me there." Seven security guards and 10 minutes later he was out the door.

          2007 during the same companywide RIF a guy had an argument with his wife after he told her on the phone that he was fired so he went out to the parking garage on the top level and used his handgun to aerate his skull in his car.

          2008? layoffs... guy is in his manager's office where he is told he is let go and swiftly jumps over the desk and starts to pound on his ex boss.

          Back in '09-'10 there was a guy about 20 feet from where I sat who just stopped showing up for work one day. Turns out he was arrested by McKinney PD for outstanding warrants on attempted murder and one or two counts of rape and identity theft. His brother died years ago and he ended up assuming his brothers ID to try and hide. He pulled it off for seven years, passing background checks and everything.


          • #65
            working is overrated
            pinto gt with wood trim


            • #66
              Originally posted by jasone View Post
              there is this guy at my work. Let's just call him Jason Erwin, well everytime someone uses the urinal next to him he says "nice cock" to them as he walks away.
              You must be friends with a guy that I work with,he does the same and is always grabbing peoples asses and talking about b-holes.


              • #67
                Had a guy just say "fuck it" one day and didn't come back. Since most of us work from home, there wasn't anyone looking for a body in a cube. He left his laptop, pager, and badge on his desk and left. It took them 2 weeks to figure out he had left.

                On the other hand we had a guy earlier this year we found had died. Again, we works remote and he lived in a gated apartment. After 3 days of no one able to reach him, they finally called a family member that then tried to contact him. They had to send the police and found out he had died in his sleep. He used to call me all the time and chat about some issue he was working on. For some reason every time he called, my phone would just say UNKNOWN. Every once in a while I get a call from UNKNOWN but I am never quick enough to pick it up and there is never a voicemail. Kinda erie.

                I did hear one story where a guy was RIF'd and continued to live in the building. They caught him sleeping in a conference room and no security credentials and a story that didn't pan out. He made security very nervous because he was tightly clutching his briefcase to his chest.

                I saw a guy one day walk out to the center of a round-about on the grounds and dissappear behind some shrubs near a statue. In a little while, an ambulance, firetruck and police showed up. Never knew what happened.

                One guy, father of 5 shot himself. No signs of issues by his coworkers. Heard he cited job stress had a lot to do with it.


                • #68
                  I've never talked about this on here, but my most fucked up day at work happened about 5 years ago. I was about to be promoted to manager and had the reigns of the highest volume store in the district for the day. I had just gotten back from lunch, and one of the guys told me that an account had called and said that our delivery driver had a heart attack at their shop. Little backstory.

                  The guy had only worked for us for about 3 months, and was older. He had a very unique last name, and it turned out I had delivered pizzas with his son for a number of years when I was a teenager. We started talking a lot and it turned out his son(also named Eric) had a classic Mustang that he was working on. Very nice guy, did a very good job.

                  We had been busy that day, and I'd only bumped into him once while I was in the back pulling a part. It looked like he was doing the same, we were both busy, so we just acknowledged each other with a half nod and smile and kept about our jobs.

                  It turned out he wasn't feeling well, and the head of his department offered to let him go, but he decided he would just take a nap in his van during his lunch break. He came back from lunch, loaded up 5 cases of oil and set out to the account. The account was Vandergriff Chevy. He went to their parts dept and asked if they had a dolly he could use to bring in the oil. They told him to just drive the truck into the shop and they would unload it for him. Apparently this is where everything went wrong.

                  He had parked his Ranger against a curb in a parking spot facing the shop. The poor guy must have started it, put it in drive and then the heart attack hit. The garage door to this huge shop was open about halfway. He launched the Ranger over the curb, busted through the garage door, took out some swamp coolers, and then plowed full bore into the back of a brand new C6 Corvette that had just been sold. He pushed the Vette into another car about 10 feet away, smashing them both further, then sat there and burned the tire down until a Tech ran over and cut the ignition. Luckily he didn't hit anyone. By the time I got there paramedics were trying to revive him, but he was gone.

                  Postscript: the cocksucker that had just bought(LEASED!)the Vette kept calling our corporate office threatening a lawsuit for his pain and suffering if he wasn't compensated in some way aside from fixing/replacing the car. Not sure what ever became of it, but I hope we didn't pay a dime.

                  When I called Corporate to report the accident and they asked if there were any injuries, I told them I thought the driver had died and they thought I was joking. I ended up contacting his family and let them know he was in the hospital, but I couldn't be certain of his condition, so I didn't elaborate that far. I took possession of his glasses and wallet at the scene, and his son Eric came to the store and picked them up a few days later and we talked. Seems his dad had hit a rough patch recently, but was turning things around with the job and getting it all together. That really sucked. Worst day I ever had at work.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by bpawl View Post
                    I've reading material in this thread is epic


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by 78X
                      are you the one that sucked the pecker of Waxman Nick Chapman?
                      Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                      Would you like your reparations in 5.56mm or 7.62mm?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by 78X
                        are you the one that sucked the pecker of Waxman Nick Chapman?
                        Wow, that's a little bit crude, even for this board.
                        G'Day Mate


                        • #72
                          i would delete that post and the quotes of it... but then of course i would be accused of 'abusing my mod powers'


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by 78X
                            are you the one that sucked the pecker of Waxman Nick Chapman?
                            Uhhhhhhh... Srsly?


                            • #74
                              I use to work at the experian call center in Allen and that place was full of characters. My favorite one was this Asian dude who would wear a blockbuster video polo 3x a week. Also caught him washing his dick in the urinal. That was just odd.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by podman152 View Post
                                I use to work at the experian call center in Allen and that place was full of characters. My favorite one was this Asian dude who would wear a blockbuster video polo 3x a week. Also caught him washing his dick in the urinal. That was just odd.
                                did you look at his dick?

