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Wierd stuff at work?

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  • Wierd stuff at work?

    The lockheed thread got me thinking about it, but - What kind of wierd shit do you see at work?

    Co-worker, smart as hell,OCD, semi-odd personality, Sick at least once a week and goes to doctor at least every other week - maybe more.

    Co-worker, not so smart, pretty dependable, wife was on some sort of high powered sleep aids during pregnancy (illegally obtained so I'm told), kid born with epilepsy, siezure problems etc.

    Co-worker, rides motorcycle year round I think - been seen in traffic with some sort of ninja sword on his back. Wears wierd shoes, not very hygenic person.

    Co-worker, male, pretty oversized, uses urinal with his pants around his ankles. WTF.

    Co-worker, female, wears some sort of orthopedic shoe (one) about 80% of the time. She'll have a severe limp one day, and the next appear to be fine.

    Co-worker, she's been pregnant as long as I can remember - been here almost 5 years. I think she's had a whole gaggle of kids by now.

    Elevator is some sort of hush-hush zone, Rarely does anyone smile or talk.

    2nd floor of this office building - largely comprised of south american foriegners (or so it appears). They NEVER smile, always look serious as hell.

    Security guards walk around constantly looking at the sky. Several cars broken into over the years.

    These are just a few of the instances I can think of.. What's going on at YOUR work??

  • #2
    When I worked at ups there was a driver that would down a 6 pack every morning at 5 am before starting his route


    • #3
      Do you work for a TV show called "The Office" ?
      Is your name actually Oscar?


      • #4
        At my old job, someone would throw toilet paper in the corner of the stall. WTF? why is there a 3 foot high pile of toilet paper in the corner?

        And for the love of god, piss in the urinal, not on the floor under it.


        • #5
          Brooks where the hell do you work?
          Originally posted by Jester
          Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
          He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
          Originally posted by Denny
          What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
          FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


          • #6
            Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
            At my old job, someone would throw toilet paper in the corner of the stall. WTF? why is there a 3 foot high pile of toilet paper in the corner?

            And for the love of god, piss in the urinal, not on the floor under it.
            Mexicans do that a lot not flushing the paper. I have heard this from several different people that have witnessed it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Frank View Post
              Mexicans do that a lot not flushing the paper. I have heard this from several different people that have witnessed it.
              I thought Indians and Muslims didn't flush paper?


              • #8
                not a lot of people at my job, on an average day there is maybe 6-8 people that come through the plant. most of whom i don't even interact with

                there is a guy here that smokes all the time and doesn't bathe, he stinks(imagine that)

                there are not a lot of whiteys in here but i am for sure a couple of them are in the klan. but they don't say shit to my face or disrespect me in any way so i can care less

                about half the guys here are Filipinos. VERY hard working guys and they are quite respectful and loyal to you if you treat them fair. they have slight accents but are actually smarter than most of the guys here(real world knowledge and college degrees). since they have accents the whiteys treat them like they are stupid but if you just talk/treat them with respect they will treat you like family

                i wish i could take a shot or two of crown but there is too much stuff here that can kill me

                that's all i can think of at the moment


                • #9
                  Originally posted by turbostang View Post
                  <SNIP>Co-worker, male, pretty oversized, uses urinal with his pants around his ankles. WTF. </SNIP>
                  That shit is just too fucking funny!! LMAO


                  • #10
                    Co-worker claims to have gone to the Air Force Academy and graduated from a 4 year degree program in two years and tell the same story almost everyday to anyone who will listen. Weird thing is he claims to have retired from the Air Force at E6...

                    People in my company are very churchy, so I've noticed you're either in the church, or out, so to speak.

                    I see all kinds of weird shit in the boxes in our warehouse. My department is in the Document Management Services business, so we get all kinds of weird paperwork, mainly from school districts around the metroplex and Houston.

                    Most of the people here are contract labor so they will work 16 hours a day, whereas I am full time and work 7-4 Monday thru Friday.

                    Everyone here has weird little quirks. My boss is an ex-marine, my supervisor's entire family works here and they always plan family events while at work, my best friend works in the IT Professional Services department and must spend $7k-$10K on Starbucks coffee alone.

                    Buncha small stuff you would never notice unless you were paying attention.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 78X View Post
                      I thought Indians and Muslims didn't flush paper?
                      Maybe them too.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mike View Post
                        Do you work for a TV show called "The Office" ?
                        Is your name actually Oscar?
                        Sometimes, I feel just like that.

                        Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                        And for the love of god, piss in the urinal, not on the floor under it.
                        Can I get an amen, brotha.

                        Originally posted by motoman View Post
                        Brooks where the hell do you work?
                        I'd rather not say exactly, other than a branch of a large bank.

                        Originally posted by Hunter View Post
                        That shit is just too fucking funny!! LMAO
                        I never noticed it directly, until someone else pointed it out. You can always tell it's him in the shitter too- he sounds like he's just ran laps.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by turbostang View Post

                          Co-worker, male, pretty oversized, uses urinal with his pants around his ankles. WTF.
                          pics or it didn't happen
                          pinto gt with wood trim


                          • #14
                            The one thing that stands out to me is the inability for the other people(2) in my office to place the new roll of TP on the holder. They just sit it on the magazine holder that's farther from the can.


                            • #15
                              We have a Marine that works with us, he threatens to "stab that mofo in the throat" on a daily basis. He makes me laugh every day.

