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Can haz any of you been in IT and got burned out?

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  • Can haz any of you been in IT and got burned out?

    I'm there....I've been working in IT for about 10 years and still struggle with getting where I want to be, which is a network admin. I started out in Help Desk and I'm now with a company as a sys admin but it's a small company so it's a "wear many hats" type position. Definately not the most glamorous position. Right now I'm struggling between keeping my morale up where I'm at(kinda treated like shit) and taking some CCNA courses so I can advance. I'm even thinking about another career change and getting out of it completely....but I'm 37 so that's not an easy option to take.

    I just don't know how much more corporate crap I can take. So did you get burned out with what you do? How did you handle it? change?
    Last edited by Leah; 05-01-2011, 08:42 PM.

  • #2
    yep, im not in IT but in the corporate crap mix. I just did go to a smaller company which is a lot less corporate BS, but it's still there.


    • #3
      Try doing it for 18 years....
      I've been in the basic "electronics" sector for over 20 (Before it was called IT)...

      I'm beyond burned out....

      But the paychecks are decent and job prospects are better than most industries....
      So I'm still here...


      • #4
        A lot of what gets me is the fact that I'm well below what a sys admin should be making. I'm currently looking right now but the market is definately tough and all the ads I'm seeing wants a freaking IT Zen Master. Last year I got my MCSA in Server/Exchange 2003 and my Network + hoping it would help some where I'm at...this place just doesn't care.


        • #5
          Why not work for yourself or is your area of expertise to "narrow"?


          • #6
            Dude, Other than the basic stuff and certs... It's not what you know, but who you know.

            Are you on Linked In?

            It's really good for Networking...


            • #7
              I have my MCSE, CCNA, and A+ and never used them, market became so saturated I decided to pursue a finance career (in hindsight, the benefits are negligible). Whenever I have to interact with the IT guys I always feel like they are dumbasses.
              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


              • #8
                I know a guy in your position. He feels the exact same way. I on the other hand am trying to get into the IT profession. I know quite a bit about the stuff needed to be a sys admin, but not enough to résumé it and get a professional position. Working my way into it at y company trough cross training and helping out where and when I can.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                  I have my MCSE, CCNA, and A+ and never used them, market became so saturated I decided to pursue a finance career (in hindsight, the benefits are negligible). Whenever I have to interact with the IT guys I always feel like they are dumbasses.
                  You'd be surprised how many CCNAs have never used a punch down tool....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 88Kaufmann View Post
                    You'd be surprised how many CCNAs have never used a punch down tool....
                    lol, I know. I was working with an IT guy at one of my old offices, and he was having a shit fit about how he was going to have to order some new cat5 to shorten a run. I grabbed some scissors and cut the damn thing off and stripped it and he looked at me like I just stabbed a baby. He had no fucking idea what to do now, I ended up having to do the shit for him. From my encounters with the IT departments at most of my offices, it seems the general IT guys are morons. To be honest, I rarely ever dealt with the admins. They seemed to be highly adapted to interface work and were lost at the actual physical side of it. They were confused about uplink ports, and switch traffic.
                    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                    • #11
                      yeah, I'm on there. I can't exactly post publicy that I'm looking but i planned on emailing a few contacts that I've made thus far.

                      Some of the newbies in IT can definately be a PITA to deal with, especially if they're on a help desk and still learning themselves.

                      As far as working for myself...I thought about it before but never really got too far with it. Cleaning viruses and adware is a pita for a nominal fee.


                      • #12
                        If you want to be a network admin, then yes get your CCNA asap.

                        Buy the book with the latest material in it. They change it up every 2 years or so. Buy 2 books. Read them, take notes on stuff you dont understand.

                        Get an old router, or router simuation software. Build a network. Break it, fix it. Read your books again, you will start to get it.

                        Don't give up finding a better position. Set yourself a reminder event on your phone to look for a position that suits the direction you want at least once a week. It might take months, but it will happen.

                        Don't stop at CCNA. Never stop studying or going after more certs. Get one every year, or every 2 years.

                        If you do this I promise you in 3 years you will have a good paying network admin position.


                        • #13
                          Many people in IT are stupid. A VERY large percentage of the guys who are condesending and act like know it alls just don't know enough to actually know what they don't know.

                          Get on some mailing lists for network admin type stuff that interests you. Join networking groups, ask questions, LISTEN to awnsers.. You will get where you want to be. Or you will discover the path you wish to take is different.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                            A lot of what gets me is the fact that I'm well below what a sys admin should be making. I'm currently looking right now but the market is definately tough and all the ads I'm seeing wants a freaking IT Zen Master. Last year I got my MCSA in Server/Exchange 2003 and my Network + hoping it would help some where I'm at...this place just doesn't care.
                            The truth is companies do want an IT Zen Master for every position. Reality is they are few the ones out there are already banking.

                            Do not be intimidated by what is listed in requirements. Many times people are hurting as long as you know the basics and are good to work with(you can't change someone's personality) you may be surprised what kind of gig you can land.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                              lol, I know. I was working with an IT guy at one of my old offices, and he was having a shit fit about how he was going to have to order some new cat5 to shorten a run. I grabbed some scissors and cut the damn thing off and stripped it and he looked at me like I just stabbed a baby. He had no fucking idea what to do now, I ended up having to do the shit for him. From my encounters with the IT departments at most of my offices, it seems the general IT guys are morons. To be honest, I rarely ever dealt with the admins. They seemed to be highly adapted to interface work and were lost at the actual physical side of it. They were confused about uplink ports, and switch traffic.
                              LMAO.... I've had many similar experiences....

