They finally going to cut your hand off for being a thief?
I thought we were friends, but after your stunt last year I realized we are not. Your brother was right, when he told me i didn't know you.
I never would have gone to your family's house and try and walk out with multiple liquor bottles. so why do that in my family's house? no remorse, or even an apology for the way you disrespected my family's house?
That's how you treat your "friends"? I respected you, and thought you respected me. No need to apologize, specially now, your not going to fix it. You are sorry Fred.
You might as well have come to my house and stole my tv while you were at it last year. You couldn't even look me in the eye after you tried to walk out with liquor bottles with tabc stickers on them.
What you did last year was a felony. A count for every bottle! You have already been convicted for theiving, and believe you were still on paper at the time of this probation violation, that would have sent you to jail for a while. I kept the owners from pressing charges on you. With your history you would still be in jail.
Why? Cause I thought we were Friends!
Your sorry ass couldn't even call me to say how sorry you are, I know now, and I have not even talked to you from the time I asked you to leave the party last year for helping yourself to the liquor closet, only to then returned an hour later like nothing happened.
You couldn't even look me in the face, and you never apologized for the level of disrespect you showed The Rose, me, Jose, and the rest of the Memebers you tried to drag down with you.
the least you could have done was apologize for being a stupid nigger, and you couldn't even do that.
That's Nigger Fred.
If thats the level of respect you have for me, and what we have been threw together, that obviously doesn't mean shit to you. you only give a shit about you Fred. I'm fine with that.
Stay Home Fred. You are not welcome.
This really happened?!
