Vaderfag submitted and came when called. Pussy. Shall we review your gay ass tags you hid behind faggot? Happened across them when Mustanggay got all flustered about his.
i deal with people like this everyday... he is the one who got picked on and held his internal aggressions till he got older and found he can be a tough guy over the internet... hence "the king" it sad that the guy is still holding on to people who use to take his lunch money and lashing out towards people he knows he will never have to confront in real life in order to make himself feel dominant over his feelings/hurt/ lack of self respect.
but for a limited time offer i can help him for 3 easy installments of 9.99 i can hook him up with " I wish I was like forbes" cd and self help booklets
You must be great at what you do to be posting in this thread, LOL.
Where's that vaderfag gone? His faggot tags are waiting on him.
obviously i am... you didnt dispute and redirected it towards someone else.....
so lets get down the basics of the problem..... how do you feel when you think about your early years?
Got bored waiting Vaderfag. Normally I'd get you to ask, but since you ran away:
Originally posted by Leah
Oh, and some more teasers.
dville wnts mah weinorz vadertt
are you black? vadertt
want1 blows trannies vadertt
ericlikesreversecowgrl vadertt
steve had sechs with seb vadertt
i have aids on mah ballz vadertt
anal eyebrow-itis vadertt
matt raped vp biden vadertt
zombie porn? vadertt
zombiesackonmarrisaschin vadertt
haltomskidhazaids vadertt
2000gt is a pedophile vadertt
jkd is sooo hungry vadertt
godsdickfuckedthaworld vadertt
go back to africa beaners vadertt
snookie poopd onmahballz vadertt
haltoms kid isa dogvagina vadertt
westborough haz aids vadertt
i can haz protest vadertt
is it ok to post n*gger? vadertt
zombie vagina vadertt
diesel dick dave vadertt
grapedrankaneisha vadertt
juggz gives blumkins vadertt
mesicans all have aids vadertt
elvis banged mah granny vadertt
elvisluvsbakpussygrease vadertt
obama smokes blaknmilds vadertt
harrison bangs fatties vadertt
elvis collects pinkdildos vadertt
ronpaulhazgayplague vadertt
dennybangedamanatee vadertt
obama can help you vadertt
dimebag banged eazy e vadertt
ted killed jesus vadertt
bro rapin yo womenz vadertt
grapedrankaneisha vadertt
paladin+gerbil=assfun vadertt
paladinepitomyofgaysex vadertt
tattoo mah dick yo vadertt
cawk n bawlz vadertt
suckfartsoutadeadducks vadertt
elvis banged a corpse vadertt
steve fights obesity vadertt
oreo+cawk=smushsmush vadertt
Kinda queer list of tags there, pussy. Sucked being stripped of your anonymity didn't it, LOL, especially after naming all those names.
Ya, the tags are funnier than most of the "witty" failed posts on here. Let the chickens hide behind them. Anonymity brings out the best in some of these people.
But then again, it's also a tool for mods to call people out, even though some of them are tagging as well.
Speaking of homos, since that's what many of the butthurt pussies in this thread fantasize about ad nauseum, where's that other little tag faggot vaderfag? Mustanggay tucked his tail between his legs and ran off in embarassment, so the number 2 tag faggot needs to take up the slack. Hard to do, no doubt, being the timid little thing he is.
How do you figure that I ran off. This thread had died... nothing to respond to. You are the one who is not getting the response you want. Nobody is impressed with you bring up old news. You had no replies from about 11 am until 7 :30 pm... I went to another thread and had fun. I don't get on here much at night... mainly just at work.
Not my thread mustanggay, it's Kyle's you dumbass. I'm just enjoying seeing you and a few other pussies get all atwitter, especially the tag fags like you.