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Can I nominate Cobraman

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
    What the fuck do you know about Disturbed kid? I'm assuming your 17ish, they have been around since '95 at that time you were swiming up you mothers vaginal cavity while your fellow un-fertilized brothers and sisters were clustered around your mothers asshole.

    Be careful who you fuck with around here boy, im not in the mood today...
    Let's break this down so everyone can understand...

    If he's 17ish that would put his birth at worst case April of '94, thus he would have been around in the time of Disturbed's creation. Secondly that would have put his conception back in July-august of 93. Not 95 as you so eloquently put it.

    Second, why the fuck would his mom have unfertilized eggs clustered around her asshole? You do understand that the sperm fertilizes the eggs and that there is typically only one egg at a time and it is in/near the falopian tube(s). ANDDD, he was not swimming up his 'mother's vaginal cavity' half of him was. He was not created until his father's half met his mother's half. And even that is hazy depending on if you're pro life or pro choice.
    G'Day Mate


    • #77
      Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
      Let's break this down so everyone can understand...

      If he's 17ish that would put his birth at worst case April of '94, thus he would have been around in the time of Disturbed's creation. Secondly that would have put his conception back in July-august of 93. Not 95 as you so eloquently put it.

      Second, why the fuck would his mom have unfertilized eggs clustered around her asshole? You do understand that the sperm fertilizes the eggs and that there is typically only one egg at a time and it is in/near the falopian tube(s). ANDDD, he was not swimming up his 'mother's vaginal cavity' half of him was. He was not created until his father's half met his mother's half. And even that is hazy depending on if you're pro life or pro choice.

      Born november 93
      2012 GT500


      • #78
        Tit pics are required just to get your name on the ballot. Either you a/holes aren't sharing the wealth, or I missed the thread which would validate the nut hugging in this thread.


        • #79
          Originally posted by racrguy View Post
          Worst band to see live.... EVER. Seriously, Non Point put on a better show than disturbed did, and they were part of the opening act.
          Nonpoint can rock the fucking house down. I have alot of their music on my Droid...
          Originally posted by Silverback
          Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


          • #80
            Elvis and I can still perform that entire dance routine, on command, to this day.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Cobraman View Post
              Born november 93
              Way to throw my math off.
              G'Day Mate


              • #82
                Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
                Way to throw my math off.
                lol. Sorry bout that.
                2012 GT500


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Cobraman View Post
                  Born november 93
                  What day?


                  • #84
                    He is a good kid and can take a beating from us.
                    99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
                    going from really slow to just alittle slow

                    2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Denny View Post
                      vadertt- best all around newb

                      cobraman/kid/boy- best newb punching bag
                      Well thank you sir!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by The King View Post
                        No stupied, I'm the king of retards like boy george blowing flutes....


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by vadercunt
                          Stupid cunt, try something more original for once in your life.


                          • #88
                            "boy george blowing flutes" sounds pretty original to me.


                            • #89
                              lol @ you king of queens


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Denny View Post
                                "boy george blowing flutes" sounds pretty original to me.
                                Good, go get a room with the boy then if you like.

