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More out of control hoodrats...

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  • Originally posted by Rlhay2 View Post
    DFW Mustangs should change it's name to DFW Stormfront, or the DFW KKK.

    Or perhaps just a new sub-forum will suffice.

    Threads involving minorities involved in assaults/crimes are soon filled with racist comments and innuendo.

    Yet threads involving caucasians involved with murders/assaults lack the same derogatory comments.

    Perhaps the culture of board has changed and those that are disturbed by such hateful rhetoric should just stay away.
    Typical response... start screaming racism.

    If it sands your pussy so much, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    Originally posted by SSMAN
    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


    • Originally posted by Rlhay2 View Post
      DFW Mustangs should change it's name to DFW Stormfront.
      I actually think that sounds pretty cool considering how much shit talking goes on here. I'll start working on the logo.

      Originally posted by Rlhay2 View Post
      Or perhaps just a new sub-forum will suffice.
      Really not a bad idea. A subforum where anything goes....ANYTHING (don't be stupid...nothing illegal) ...and the sandy vaginas can't delete threads or alter or erase etc etc.

      Won't happen doesn't provide an environment that is appealing to advertisers. Gotta make that skrilla huh?
      Originally posted by grove rat
      shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


      • Thought that was what this was for...

        Warning! Enter at your own risk! It's mostly unmoderated sh*t talking. You have been warned. Let the smack talk commence!
        Originally posted by MR EDD
        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


        • Originally posted by ceyko View Post
          Thought that was what this was for...


          The use of racial slurs will get you a 24 hour ban from the site. We have tried very hard to keep an open mind, but there have been some complaints coming in from the frequent use of certain words. The mods have been working really hard to regulate what is acceptable and removing things that are a questionable. Unfortunately
          Originally posted by grove rat
          shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


          • Damn it
            Originally posted by MR EDD
            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


            • I really dont know what to say after seeing that! Just pure anger
              GOD BLESS TEXAS
              August Landscaping
              Seb's high class.
              He'll mow your grass.
              He'll kick your ass.
              And while his kidney stones pass,
              He'll piss in a glass!


              • Originally posted by Rlhay2 View Post
                DFW Mustangs should change it's name to DFW Stormfront, or the DFW KKK.

                Or perhaps just a new sub-forum will suffice.

                Threads involving minorities involved in assaults/crimes are soon filled with racist comments and innuendo.

                Yet threads involving caucasians involved with murders/assaults lack the same derogatory comments.

                Perhaps the culture of board has changed and those that are disturbed by such hateful rhetoric should just stay away.
                You seem to be offended. Are you taking the comments personally? If so, why? If you are not part of the group in question, why the concern? You don't see me getting offended when people talk about white trash trailer park inhabitants.


                • Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                  Damn it
                  Originally posted by grove rat
                  shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


                  • ...

                    Originally posted by Rlhay2 View Post
                    DFW Mustangs should change it's name to DFW Stormfront, or the DFW KKK.

                    Or perhaps just a new sub-forum will suffice.

                    Threads involving minorities involved in assaults/crimes are soon filled with racist comments and innuendo.

                    Yet threads involving caucasians involved with murders/assaults lack the same derogatory comments.

                    Perhaps the culture of board has changed and those that are disturbed by such hateful rhetoric should just stay away.
                    Have you even been around here long enough to see what happens on this site? All of these guys who responded to your post are correct. We tell it how it is, no matter who it is. Fuck the politically correct bullshit. There may be racial overtones, but people are getting tired of the minorities and liberals hollering racism at every turn. Yet, those same people complaining of racism are the ones doing the hating and trying to "take over all up in herea". For an example, all you have to do is look at the POTUS. He cries racism, yet he is doing everything he can to take our country away and give it to the minorities and lazy fucks. Yet, if we complain, we are called racist. I'm not going to sit by with my mouth shut, so I don't offend someone, while they pull that shit.

                    As for the video, race has nothing to do with it. Those two pieces of shit should have had their teeth kicked in. Doesn't matter what color they are.

                    If you find any video of 2 white people beating up a black dude, please post it.
                    Last edited by line-em-up; 04-23-2011, 10:08 AM.


                    • This thread just made me realize something. Why I hate deadbeats like this.

                      I am not stereo typing in this next part just saying it how it is.

                      I had my truck parked in the street yesterday because the drive way/garage was occupied. My truck is kissing the curb and there is plenty of room for probably a car and a half to get through - people do all the time sometimes even three cars wide.

                      This car comes around the corner around the same time I am walking towards my car. So I am hugging my truck trying to get to the door to show consideration that, hey I see you, im not going to jump out in front of you or swing my door at you. And what does this guy do? gets close to me, speeds up, honks and flips me off. As he passes though I noticed the truck is filled with 4 mexican gangster faggots teenagers.

                      This enrages me as kids play farther down the street and my specific area is quite, with almost no traffic. I tried catching up to them without speeding down the streets but no prevail.

                      This has nothing to do with the original post but made me realize that I truly despise kids who think being cool, is doing shit like this and having their pants sag half way off their ass.
                      Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                      Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                      • ....

                        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                        Thought that was what this was for...

                        THat thread is for talking crap by the people who are full of shit. We're talking about real life.


                        • ...

                          Boo fucking hoo. The one reason I hang around here is because we have an open forum with free speech. If I wanted to be censored, I would have stayed over at the old site.


                          • Originally posted by Rlhay2 View Post
                            DFW Mustangs should change it's name to DFW Stormfront, or the DFW KKK.

                            Yet threads involving caucasians involved with murders/assaults lack the same derogatory comments.

                            The difference being that Caucasians don't bundle themselves together like blacks do. There was no "million Caucasian man march." When OJ got off on the murder the majority of blacks were thrilled. I think I read that 90% of Blacks voted for Obama. Rev. Al garnered support for the Duke Lacrosse Stripper even though there was mounting evidence she made it up.

                            People are just tired of it. If Black leaders, parents, clergy etc. are unwilling to demand better behavior as a collective group from their communities, someone will step in to do it for them. Make sure to keep looking for racism while the unwed pregnancy numbers skyrocket, blacks have higher incarceration and school dropout rates. I guess it's easier to point the finger and yell racism than it is to ask for some personal responsibility.


                            • Originally posted by stinginstang View Post
                              The difference being that Caucasians don't bundle themselves together like blacks do. There was no "million Caucasian man march." When OJ got off on the murder the majority of blacks were thrilled. I think I read that 90% of Blacks voted for Obama. Rev. Al garnered support for the Duke Lacrosse Stripper even though there was mounting evidence she made it up.

                              People are just tired of it. If Black leaders, parents, clergy etc. are unwilling to demand better behavior as a collective group from their communities, someone will step in to do it for them. Make sure to keep looking for racism while the unwed pregnancy numbers skyrocket, blacks have higher incarceration and school dropout rates. I guess it's easier to point the finger and yell racism than it is to ask for some personal responsibility.
                              This, by a mile.


                              • Originally posted by Rlhay2 View Post
                                Threads involving minorities involved in assaults/crimes are soon filled with racist comments and innuendo.

                                Yet threads involving caucasians involved with murders/assaults lack the same derogatory comments.

                                Perhaps the culture of board has changed and those that are disturbed by such hateful rhetoric should just stay away.
                                Have you read this board? Everyone is pretty much equally torn apart here regardless of race, sex, or creed. If you take everything out of context, you'd think this board is overtaken by misogynistic, racist, homophobes, when in reality, the target is ANYONE that is going out of their way to be an idiot or a leach on society. There's equal opportunity tongue lashing in these parts.

                                The same guys being accused racist elitism are the same guys who are the first to help and support total strangers. They've collected money, helped out with roadside car repairs, assisted at accident scenes, given professional advice, and whatever else they can do to help, regardless of race and social standing. Most of the time, it's even done anonymously and without an expectation of a thank you. They're really terrible guys, huh?

                                Perhaps you should take your own advice. At the very least, you should change your tampon and take a Midol. Oh, and it's ok for me to say that, because I'm a woman.
                                Last edited by Treasure Chest; 04-23-2011, 11:27 AM.

