I'm pretty much livid after watching this. She literally goes into seizures at the end, indicating head trauma? If anyone is able to find a location and update on this young girl please post up.
Effin' ridiculous that none of the other animals stepped in to stop it. One of the employees even steals her phone. And I love how you're not allowed to thumbs up any of the comments.
Thank God that granny was there, otherwise I have zero doubt that they would have killed her.
It's being said that the girl was actually a transsexual. The girls who beat her asked her to leave the women's bathroom, and she got smart with them. Haven't found anything on the news sites to substantiate it, though.
Still not justification. And that is just hyperbole at this point...
With reference to 9.32 section 2 - I would think Castle Doctrine also comes into play.
A firearm isn't a magic wand to just solve a situation, but if the situation has escalated to the point where you have to display and intervene then it is what it is. Having a .45 leveled at your head will cause a decision point to be made. However, you also don't know if any of the spectators are carrying and if you may inadvertantly instigate a gunfight. Deadly force isn't restricted to just firearms, so a physcial overpowering of them (also known as "throw your bitch ass against the wall") could even breach that definition depending on how far you go. Best armchair QB solution - Grab the girl, put her in the bathroom and then guard the door from the outside.
No matter what happens, once you invoke your use of your weapon - whether it be by display or discharge - you're going to have some legal hurdles. Could a grand jury decide to press charges? Sure. If you have a resonable expecation that your actions are defensible in court, then step forward and perform your civic (if not basic human) duty.
Part of the knowledge of getting a CHL is accepting that higher standard of responsibility.
With reference to 9.32 section 2 - I would think Castle Doctrine also comes into play.
A firearm isn't a magic wand to just solve a situation, but if the situation has escalated to the point where you have to display and intervene then it is what it is. Having a .45 leveled at your head will cause a decision point to be made. However, you also don't know if any of the spectators are carrying and if you may inadvertantly instigate a gunfight. Deadly force isn't restricted to just firearms, so a physcial overpowering of them (also known as "throw your bitch ass against the wall") could even breach that definition depending on how far you go. Best armchair QB solution - Grab the girl, put her in the bathroom and then guard the door from the outside.
No matter what happens, once you invoke your use of your weapon - whether it be by display or discharge - you're going to have some legal hurdles. Could a grand jury decide to press charges? Sure. If you have a resonable expecation that your actions are defensible in court, then step forward and perform your civic (if not basic human) duty.
Part of the knowledge of getting a CHL is accepting that higher standard of responsibility.
I agree about the responsibilty, and that is one heck of a reasonable and structured response. I fear the answer is still, "it depends" lol.
If that's my wife getting beat, there will be some bullets flying.
-I'd try to just protect her
-If it turned into the mob mentality, I'd retreat to be able to do my part (understanding that it may not be that simple)
-Hoping to stay out of those situations altogether though (CHL mentality dictates that IMO)
Otherwise, too much risk trying to protect someone else.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
I saw nothing funny in that video. Every man in that Mcdonalds should be ashamed of themselves. A damn old woman handled business better than all the pussies watching that.