That doesn't look too bad, a reputable body shop should be able to get that back to new condition. If it was a hard hit and suspension stuff got tweaked or something than thats one issue but this shouldn't give the car problems in the future.
Originally posted by Nash B.
Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.
I've had shit worse than that in my eye and it buffed out.
yes, I will admit it, I am being a big vag about this. the worst is the nasty crease on the quarter right at the seam of the door. I just can't have nice things.
Find a body shop worth a crap and you'll never be able to tell it was hit. You can also file a diminished value claim against them, you'll get a check on the side on top of the car being repaired to your satisfaction. It's not going to be totalled though, you can forget about getting a new car out of the deal. You'd need to be at 75-80% of market value to total a car that new, just a wild assed guess but unless the rocker is mangled you'll be under $3,000.
Oh yeah, sorry about your luck, it sucks. Just be glad they actually had insurance. Seems like everytime I get hit it's an illegal alien in a borrowed car without tags or inspection.
Find a body shop worth a crap and you'll never be able to tell it was hit. You can also file a diminished value claim against them, you'll get a check on the side on top of the car being repaired to your satisfaction. It's not going to be totalled though, you can forget about getting a new car out of the deal. You'd need to be at 75-80% of market value to total a car that new, just a wild assed guess but unless the rocker is mangled you'll be under $3,000.
Just to let the cat out of the bag, this was a present to myself for staying sober for over 14 months now. I have been, and still am, living a sober and honest life. My mom only helped me because I have proven myself as hard-working and capable of staying sober.
Well I'd file everything with my own insurance and let them fight with the other guy. Obviously get his insurance info but your company will fix it right now, his will want to prove who is at fault first. You should have un/underinsured protection anyways and the deductible will be a lot cheaper and you'll get it back if their insured is found to be at fault.
Ultimately their insurance should be paying for everything if they are at fault but they will drag their feet. Don't even deal with them, that's what your insurance is for. Drop it off at a direct repair shop and get it fixed. Then make sure it's absolutely perfect before you pick it up and ask the adjuster about diminished value. It'll be a different group of people. I'd also bring someone more familiar with paint/body work to inspect it, I'm assuming you probably aren't an expert in the field.
Their insurance cares about their insured customer, they won't make it easy for you. Your company cares about you. As long as they are at fault your rates won't go up for making a claim.
Congrats on being sober, keep it up. Don't let crap like this get to you.
Just to let the cat out of the bag, this was a present to myself for staying sober for over 14 months now. I have been, and still am, living a sober and honest life. My mom only helped me because I have proven myself as hard-working and capable of staying sober.
so tell me, a friend of mine drinks every day, all day, gets up and instead of most of us eating breakfast he has a screwdriver. What's it gonna take to get him to realize he has a problem?
I had to almost lose my family and closest friends because I was the biggest moron around. You have to realize it yourself and truly want help. The rest is up to your will power and ability to say no. I just didn't want to be a loser anymore.