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Paint gun selection

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  • Paint gun selection

    I haven't painted anything in years and all of my equipment is from the 70's. I think that the new Sata's and Iwota's are the top of the line but they are approaching $500 or more. Eastwood has their Concours gun with a detail gun on sale now. Anybody own one of these? Any suggestions on a quality mid priced gun? I have a good air system (15cfm) but the Eastwood low cfm requirements would allow me to use the gun with my portable gas powered compressor as well. Might paint a few project cars in the future but mostly just small projects and primer for now.

    Wayne in FW

  • #2
    I just use a roller, cheaper and covers better on the first pass.
    G'Day Mate


    • #3
      Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
      I just use a roller, cheaper and covers better on the first pass.
      I've used the roller before with paint from tractor supply. Works well for certain applications. My needs are for a very good finish on small projects (such as my1940's coke box) and something that will let me paint my old fords when I am ready.

      Waye in FW


      • #4
        Car craft just did a good right up in the last issue I got. See if you can dig it up on their website. Went over hobby grade, mid level, adn professional guns. Said for most backyard guys the mid grade stuff from eastwood and summit were ok.
        G'Day Mate


        • #5
          Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
          Car craft just did a good right up in the last issue I got. See if you can dig it up on their website. Went over hobby grade, mid level, adn professional guns. Said for most backyard guys the mid grade stuff from eastwood and summit were ok.
          That's the artical (and the discount offer from Eastwood) that made me think it's time to get out of the 70's. Just wanting to know if anybody had used one. The reviews I have read go from Ok to damn good. I guess for $150 + free shipping and a free detail gun I couldn't loose too much.

          Wayne in FW


          • #6
            I got a cheapy at HD a few years back. Haven't painted anything other than the inside of dad's boat and my FJ40 with it, but it worked well, adn I'm sure in the right hands witht he right tuning it would be fine.

            I think I'm going to step up to the mid grade when i get ready to paint my 72 Burb.
            G'Day Mate


            • #7
              get a tippman 98 custom....
              Big Rooster Racing
              1985 Mustang GT


              • #8
                Originally posted by Josh.0 View Post
                get a tippman 98 custom....
                He said he wanted a good gun.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Josh.0 View Post
                  get a tippman 98 custom....
                  Now that's thinking out of the box! I could go for the road warrior look. Can you get paint balls in Urethane? Would I have to do base coat/clearcoat?

                  Wayne in FW


                  • #10
                    try the IR gun, it works well for a beginner imo. Tractor supply keeps them in stock too
                    Ring and pinion specialist


                    • #11
                      Isn't the Concourse gun backed by Kevin Tetz? I believe it is, I don't think he'd push anything not of good quality.


