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  • #91
    Where's everybody at? I've been here since 11pm, and I'll be here until 8am, or later.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Yale View Post
      Where's everybody at? I've been here since 11pm, and I'll be here until 8am, or later.
      I am here man just trolling. Dont have shit to do


      • #93
        Originally posted by MILK View Post
        I am here man just trolling. Dont have shit to do
        I have a few things to do, but most of my job is supervision, which is being an exercise in mind-fuckery lately.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Yale View Post
          I have a few things to do, but most of my job is supervision, which is being an exercise in mind-fuckery lately.

          Lucky you!! For being employed that is!


          • #95
            Originally posted by MILK View Post
            Lucky you!! For being employed that is!
            What kind of job are you looking for?
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #96
              Originally posted by Yale View Post
              What kind of job are you looking for?

              Basically anything that can help me get back in school. A high school diploma and 10 years of retail experience is not shit when you have a DWI on your record.


              • #97
                Originally posted by MILK View Post
                Basically anything that can help me get back in school. A high school diploma and 10 years of retail experience is not shit when you have a DWI on your record.
                I like the hell out of food manufacturing. There are a ton of food plants in the DFW, too. It's not glamorous work, but there's always plenty of it. There's the Schepp's plant in the north end of OC. You could always work third shift cleanup, and go to school in the morning. They pay pretty good, from what I hear, too.
                ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                • #98
                  i feel that... harder than ever now too. since I decided to up and quit my last job. It's been a wash over if it was a good choice or a bad one.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Yale View Post
                    I like the hell out of food manufacturing. There are a ton of food plants in the DFW, too. It's not glamorous work, but there's always plenty of it. There's the Schepp's plant in the north end of OC. You could always work third shift cleanup, and go to school in the morning. They pay pretty good, from what I hear, too.
                    Yea man Its funny cuz my mother is a Supervisor at State Fair foods, but its all the way out in Haltom City and we live in Duncanville. She makes the drive because she gets paid very well and has been there for over 20 years.


                    • Originally posted by Raskal View Post
                      i feel that... harder than ever now too. since I decided to up and quit my last job. It's been a wash over if it was a good choice or a bad one.
                      I worked for Trinity Industries 4 months of this year, I regret leaving because it just so hard to find a job these days!!


                      • Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                        Just as I stated. You're more than welcome to voice your rather negative pinions regarding me face to face. I plan on attending the Sonic GTG in Carrollton next week. Feel free to come out. I'm not under the influence at the moment. You can interpret my invitation any way you like, but don't put words in my mouth. As for fighting(if that's what your implying), that would only happen only if you instigated it. I'm just offering you the opportunity to tell me what a dumb ass you think I am in person, instead of over the internet. You know nothing about me, but often take the opportunity to disparage me every chance you get on the forums. I'm just curious if you would do the same in person.

                        And don't be weak and and drag my wife into your responses. Just keep it on a man to man basis. Like I'm the only person who struggles with alcoholism, but somehow I seem to make ends meet. You should better educate yourself on statistics regarding alcoholism in this country. It must be nice to be so sanctimonious and pious as to subscribe to the notion of drinking being tantamount to being a failure in life.

                        I've saved a lot of lives my friend. I maintain a household. Your feeble attempts at demeaning everything I say has very little consequence, other than to make you feel better in some way.
                        Wow. Just because you were once a savior and now turned degenerate you think you're drinking doesn't effect you?? You're blinder than a blind man. You still continue to give excuses as to why you drink. And at that heavily. As far as me fucking with you about this"all the time"?? You're delusional. Ice only done it less than a handfull. Hey, why don't you tell me another miraculously story and for it to be trumped by your pathetic weakness to alcohol. No, I don't offense to alcohol, just to someone who glorifies his downfall. You need serious help.
                        Originally posted by talisman
                        I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                        Originally posted by AdamLX
                        If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                        Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                        Because fuck you, that's why
                        Originally posted by 80coupe
                        nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                        Originally posted by Rick Modena
                        ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                        Originally posted by Jester
                        Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                        • true enough.. i never took vacation at my old job so i had a lot of time stored up(worked close to four years and spent three days vacation)... i spent close to a month unemployed i quit on a whim..Went to dave an busters with the whiskey and the gf convinced me it was a good idea..since then i've been taking classes at tcc and i hate my current job worse than i did the original job.


                          • Originally posted by idrivea4banger View Post
                            Wow. Just because you were once a savior and now turned degenerate you think you're drinking doesn't effect you?? You're blinder than a blind man. You still continue to give excuses as to why you drink. And at that heavily. As far as me fucking with you about this"all the time"?? You're delusional. Ice only done it less than a handfull. Hey, why don't you tell me another miraculously story and for it to be trumped by your pathetic weakness to alcohol. No, I don't offense to alcohol, just to someone who glorifies his downfall. You need serious help.

                            been stated many times by numerous years resolutions are lame. But i think it would be good for you to make one..Happy holidays sir.


                            • Originally posted by MILK View Post
                              Yea man Its funny cuz my mother is a Supervisor at State Fair foods, but its all the way out in Haltom City and we live in Duncanville. She makes the drive because she gets paid very well and has been there for over 20 years.
                              I would look into a cheap apartment out that way if she can get you on. You can always take classes at TCC for now, and UTA once you've gotten an associates degree and established yourself.
                              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                              • Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                                Just as I stated. You're more than welcome to voice your rather negative pinions regarding me face to face. I plan on attending the Sonic GTG in Carrollton next week. Feel free to come out. I'm not under the influence at the moment. You can interpret my invitation any way you like, but don't put words in my mouth. As for fighting(if that's what your implying), that would only happen only if you instigated it. I'm just offering you the opportunity to tell me what a dumb ass you think I am in person, instead of over the internet. You know nothing about me, but often take the opportunity to disparage me every chance you get on the forums. I'm just curious if you would do the same in person.

                                And don't be weak and and drag my wife into your responses. Just keep it on a man to man basis. Like I'm the only person who struggles with alcoholism, but somehow I seem to make ends meet. You should better educate yourself on statistics regarding alcoholism in this country. It must be nice to be so sanctimonious and pious as to subscribe to the notion of drinking being tantamount to being a failure in life.

                                I've saved a lot of lives my friend. I maintain a household. Your feeble attempts at demeaning everything I say has very little consequence, other than to make you feel better in some way.
                                What's so different about him insulting you to your face? What if he comes up and says, "You're using your alcoholism as a crutch to not face what it is that is making you so unhappy with yourself." Going all Tom Cruise about the subject and trying to hide your own shit behind "the statistics regarding alcoholism in this country," doesn't address what's wrong with you. I don't know you personally, though, so take this for what it's worth to you: If you aren't just trolling for attention, and the shit you're piling on yourself is real, you need to get some help.
                                ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh

