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Negotiating a salary

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  • Negotiating a salary

    It's been mentioned that there will be some changes coming up and my manager would like to nominate me for her position.

    I currently work 40 hours and I'm done, unless something comes up one day and I can jet out early the next.

    The position will require me to sign a contract that basically states I'm stuck in this position for 2 years. Along with that, it will require 50% travel... Every 2 weeks out of the month I'll be out of state on site and the other half working from home. Currently I am 100% remote.

    The salary I was told would be 65% more than what I make now, but my worry is the hours. I KNOW this will be a 60-70 hour a week job. If I ratio my current salary to 60 or 70 hours, it really doesn't seem like much of a raise at all.

    Is this a fair tool to negotiate with? Since I'll be unable to take a promotion in the 2 years I'll be in this contract, I don't want to screw myself over.

  • #2
    I would definitely try and negotiate more money. Out of town is a hassle. There are some rewards (airline miles, hotel points, etc) that you can benefit from, but that aside, you are working more hours for slightly more money.


    • #3
      Think ahead. What can taking this position get you after the two year contract? You're young enough to where if you were going to take a travel job, now would be a good time.
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #4
        It's tricky how they get with you with that crap. I was promoted Monday..and they gave me a good raise but took away my commissions so it ends up being more responsibility with the same amount of pay but with a better "title"..

        FWIW..I took it and am looking at it like a resume booster..

        The better title will help me later...

        Is it worth it to you to be away from home?

        Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
          I would definitely try and negotiate more money. Out of town is a hassle. There are some rewards (airline miles, hotel points, etc) that you can benefit from, but that aside, you are working more hours for slightly more money.
          Yea, I was discussing the positives with my manager and she mentioned the points you gain. It would be nice to vacation with free airfare and hotel.

          Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
          Think ahead. What can taking this position get you after the two year contract? You're young enough to where if you were going to take a travel job, now would be a good time.
          The area I'm in is very new. Currently there are not many North American employees learning it and it's estimated in 2 years business will grow 5 times. Mix that with certain clients requiring us to be on shores, it's job security.

          It was mentioned if I had a couple more years of experience in this group, as an equal to my manager's role, the salary would be about 120% more than I make now.

          Originally posted by Smurfette View Post
          It's tricky how they get with you with that crap. I was promoted Monday..and they gave me a good raise but took away my commissions so it ends up being more responsibility with the same amount of pay but with a better "title"..

          FWIW..I took it and am looking at it like a resume booster..

          The better title will help me later...

          Is it worth it to you to be away from home?
          Resume booster for sure! I want a fair salary, but nothing that will paint a target on my back.

          I'm single with no kids and 26, so I believe it would be a good move for my future.


          • #6
            I'd most definitely discuss the hours vrs. pay raise percent. Are you taking into account that working your current job at 60-70 hours a week would be overtime pay and taxed heavily even if it is getting you time and a half?

            The first thought that popped into my head when you mentioned the traveling is that your 26, fairly unattached, no home note or kiddos to miss. So if your going to have a job traveling and seeing the country now would be the time to take up the leap.

            Aside from all that when your the boss man, you can hire me to fill in your old spot.


            • #7
              I'm almost certain my old position would be outsourced. I was kind of a shoe in due to some events.

              No I am not accounting for OT, if I did the number would heavily increase.


              Salary to hours

              75000 = 40
              X = 65

              X = 112,500

              Let's say I currently make 75k and they were offering 115k to take this role, it's like me working 65 hours at my old rate.


              • #8
                If your feeling like your old position will be outsourced which is kinda contradicting your first post. Where does the job security lie with the manager gig? Just curious...

                Btw I'm off tomorrow you wanna go do a happy hour or something?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Raskal View Post
                  If your feeling like your old position will be outsourced which is kinda contradicting your first post. Where does the job security lie with the manager gig? Just curious...

                  Btw I'm off tomorrow you wanna go do a happy hour or something?
                  I'm one of the only upcoming North Americans in this group, but if I move forward the position will probably be outsourced. My group contains 3 India and 2 Malaysia employees.

                  The manager position must stay on shore and is contractually bound to that, along with the 50% travel, and 2 years locked in.

                  Very weird for those measures to be put on a position, but I assume it's what the client wanted, and our company agreed.

                  I get off at 6 and am suppose to help F with the pool. Come over later in tge afternoon and kick it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
                    I'm one of the only upcoming North Americans in this group, but if I move forward the position will probably be outsourced. My group contains 3 India and 2 Malaysia employees.

                    The manager position must stay on shore and is contractually bound to that, along with the 50% travel, and 2 years locked in.

                    Very weird for those measures to be put on a position, but I assume it's what the client wanted, and our company agreed.

                    I get off at 6 and am suppose to help F with the pool. Come over later in tge afternoon and kick it.
                    put that way.. it sounds like your best bet is to take the position so that it does not get outsourced from under you if only the management position is contracted in. Resume face lift, a chance to see other parts of the country and 60 hours a week really isn't all that crazy.. The two weeks a month you will be traveling will it be in one location or a continuous stop and go at sites?

                    as far as to the question though yeah... push for more still even if it is only 10k or so.


                    • #11
                      One location about 40 minutes from Nashville, TN. I guess another position would be not having to buy food for half the month.

                      I still think I should ask for 5 or 10k more, over what the initial offer was.


                      • #12
                        You don't mention benefits (matching 401k, etc), but at your age and circumstances, I would take it. In your 20's and single, is the time to go for the money. Live as lean as you can and sock it away.


                        • #13
                          Traveling on someone elses dime would be appealing to me. Always try to negotiate for more of course.


                          • #14
                            Are you married? Kids?

                            I think a lot of folks have covered a lot of the bullet points. Only thing I want to add is if...

                            I'd take it for the salary a lone if the travel would not get me divorced/miss my kids. When job hunting it is difficult to demand 115K when you currently make 75K. The employer does not have to know your exact income. Anyway, it is easier 2 years down the line though to demand 130K if you're making 115K now.
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #15
                              A 65% increase is excellent unless you make minimum wage. Travel wise 50% sucks ass! I have always looked at travel this way. When on the road you are on the the company's time 24 hrs a day. This is where you come to understand the meaning "career" which you can't look at it like an hourly paid position. I have know idea what industry you are in but in most cases this is what leads to opportunities later on.
                              This is a tough choice for sure and if you move forward with it I would negotiate for more money. Good luck!

