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A funny told to me.

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  • A funny told to me.

    The "Buried alive prank" reminded me of a story I heard a few years ago that was so funny, I had to share. The story as it was told to me...all of the details are very important.

    This group of head bangers were hanging out and doing that fainting game in one of their rooms. (The one where you pin someone against a wall pressing on their neck until they pass out). They were also smoking weed. We're talking 80's head bangers. The guy that lived there had his room completely papers with rock bands, pentagrams, you get the idea. His windows was covered in foil to keep out light except for a scratch where some light from the back porch shined in. They had a red light bulb for some reason. I have seen this house/room and know what was described was true. Besides that, this dude was always dabbling in satanic stuff and played a lot of D&D. This was the stage.

    Well, they made my buddy (the guy who told me the story) faint then got a wicked idea. They picked him up and threw him on the bed and crossed his arms up like he was in a casket. Then they turned off the music that was playing and turned out the lights and waited a few minutes for him to wake up.

    My friend said he woke up in a daze. All he remembered was hanging out with friends, listening to metal and playing that stupid fainting game. Now it was pitch dark, quiet, and there was this little beam of red light coming from across the room. He's still kinda hi (paranoid). He starting to piece it together and thought he was dead! Worse so, he is convinced he is in hell. Panicked he jumped up and started calling for his friends and trying to feel his way around the room when his buddy leaned toward his ear from behind and with a satanic voice grabbed him by the neck and said "I HAVE YOU NOW!!!!"
    So my buddy, immediately swung around and punched the dude. He thinks he's REALLY in some shit because now he has punched out Satan! It was about that time he realized Satan sounded kinda like his buddy just as someone flicked on the lights to call it all off. Busted his friends lip, but they all had a big laugh. I could just see that done in a movie.

  • #2
    lol,stoner games!!


    • #3
      Seriously made me lmgdao!


      • #4
        That is fucking hilarious! Ah the good ole stoner antics days.....


        • #5
          That shit I's funny


          • #6
            My favorite prank is taking really long zip ties and putting them on people's driveshafts, that way when they drive off it slaps the floorboard.

            EDIT: DnD doesn't mean devil worshipers!

            Originally posted by SSMAN
            ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

