I have been in the process of switching over from Amax's to Sierra168gr MKs as the Amax is too hard to come by these days. I shot a initial group of 5 that was more than accurate at 100. It also has one just a bit off of the group as I wanted to see how far off my Amax load was in comparison. I was pleased with the results so I loaded up 50 of these beauties to play with at long distance and see just how well they would perform. Well my wife decided she wanted to attend on this range trip and try her hand at the long range game as she only fired a couple one other time. I fired a few over the chronograph to and check for drop/drift as the bc is a good bit different than advertised. She got behind the rifle and fired a awesome 4 shot group that put 2 just almost on top of each other and the other 2 just off of those 2. The first two are on the beam next to her hair and kinda hard to see. She then moved over and promptly hit the 10" and 8" targets all at 1000yds with a full value 15mph wind which meant holding 5.8 feet for wind. Anyway I was pretty proud of her and thought I would share.