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Plinking with the babushka and Garand

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  • Plinking with the babushka and Garand

    Discovered an outdoor range 20min from my house that's free to the public. Only a 100yds, but far better than the others around which charge and only wan their ammunition used. Going to try and make this a weekly Friday morning thing...

    Was able to adjust the scope to hitting 2" groups at 100yds and .75 at 50 with the 91/30. Wondering how long the cheap scope will stay zeroed. With the Garand I was shooting at 50yds and was all over the place. Was able to at least keep it on a 8X10 sheet of paper, but was only out there to blast it anyway. Pissed off a lot of the scope setters who have shit that basically shoots the rifle for them.

  • #2
    Looks like a kick ass range. I wish that we had one like that out here. Our only range over 25 yds is $15 per hour.
    04 2.6 KB'd Cobra!

    Originally posted by Sean88gt
    There is something about her that just makes my dick completely take over any thought process. If Russell Brand were on top of her, I'd fuck him just to say I pushed a dick inside of her.


    • #3
      Yeah it's very well kept. Friend of mine went today and ended up waiting three hours to get a spot. It's self-policing so people basically stay however long they want.


      • #4
        What scope and mount is that you used? I wouldn't mind having one on one of my carbine nagants.


        • #5





          I took the rear sight off. Fortunately it was not soldered onto the dovetail so it was easy to remove. Can't say this is the best thing ever since I have yet to put enough rounds through the rifle to see if the thing stays zeroed. Twice now it's stayed true so who knows. Have seen lots of y00to0be complaints of scope mounts like this sliding around. Mine has yet to do so. Used blue loc-tite on all set screws.
          Last edited by SS Junk; 10-28-2012, 08:56 AM.


          • #6
            Looks like a pretty cool range. Is that here in Texas?
            Originally posted by Jester
            Every time you see the fucking him your fucking dick.. Just whip out your hawg and wiggle it in his direction, put it away, call him a fuckin meatgazer, shoot him the bird and go inside.
            He will spend the rest of the day wondering if he is gay.
            Originally posted by Denny
            What the fuck ever, you fucking fragile faggot.
            FORGTN SOLD1ER - xbox gamer


            • #7
              Unfortunately not.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mach1Run View Post
                What scope and mount is that you used? I wouldn't mind having one on one of my carbine nagants.
                I know this is old, but if you are still looking for a scope mount for a Nagant here's one.

                RLO Custom Leather Butt Stock Ammo Carrier for Mosin Nagant Rifles by Brass Stacker
                92 LX 5.0

