Latest purchase from AIM. Most of the cosmoline is off. Will have to sweat it again I'm sure, but I can't wait to shoot this thing. I mean it has to be fun when you can basically buy a thousand rounds for six dollars...
I've been debating refinishing it, but since it's going to be shot outside mostly I'm sure I'd mess up the finish in a hurry. All numbers match except for the bayonet, but I'm sure that really doesn't matter since there are a billion just like it (but this one is mine!). Going to have to ream out the bayonet to make it fit as well. Has anyone ever had any firing pin issues with these rifles? I see there are tolerance slots with the handy multi tool that comes with it, but the firing pin doesn't actually even touch the first slot. It is however lined up with the hash marks on the rear of the bolt? The front site looks a little wonky as well, but it too is lined up with the marks.