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Lets see your 1911's

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  • bird_dog0347
    Originally posted by slowyellow View Post
    I'm sure that you would. Did you ever see the SVI's in 9mm? I'd really like to stay around that round. I don't know anybody out here that shoots the SVI's, but I know a LOT of people that shoot STI's. Unfortunately the only ones that I can put my hands on are VERY modified. So I can't really get a feel for what one would feel like out of the box. My buddies STI feels like the slide is on ball bearings, I love it. I haven't shot it, and I'm trying to talk him into letting me shoot it during our next match. But I think he is in VERY deep on his STI. He used to shoot professionally back in the early 90's. He still "owns" a few courses from back then. Needless to say, he's a GM. He's the one who got me into the pistol shooting, and in turn I got him into the 3 gun stuff! What are some of the advantages of the SVI over the STI? And do you think that by the time you got it shooting the way that you prefer you might be in the SVI for less $$$$? Sorry for all of the questions, and I'll let you pick it up and break it in if you hand deliver it!

    Hmmmm... you're near Richmond right? I could arrange a business trip out there I'm sure and my company can pay for the whole thing.

    That said, please don't get me wrong, the STI's are great out of the box, and I would put them at the VERY TOP of any gun manufacturer that produces at least as many guns a year as they do. They and SV actually share the patent on the modular 2011 frame and developed it together. Essentially no difference in the design, but all in the build and customization ability. There are tons of gunsmiths out there that can custom build a STI exactly like you tell them to for a decent price, but they still have to get their building blocks from STI... well, the frame anyways.

    SVI on the other hand makes all their parts in house now, and they are closer tolerances, higher precision, etc. I have never in my life felt a trigger as nice as what the SVI had. Also, that SVI was a sight tracker, an option I don't believe STI offers but I'm sure you could get one custom made that can include that.

    I would say the best comparison would be the STI is like a Vette... fast, sleek, sexy, handles great, priced about right, and just flat runs right out of the box. The SVI would be more like a Ferrari... Custom built exactly how you want it from the factory, the colors you want, absolutely everything can be crafted to fit you and your needs/wants/desires straight from the manufacturer.

    Out of the box, The STI usually seems to run a little better during the break in period, but once the SVI settles into it's groove, they are incredible. Also the service (at least a few years ago when I was shooting limited all the time) was second to none. Then again, they are made about 35 miles from my house. Also they can be made in any caliber you want. I have not shot 3 gun, but I assume they have major/minor ammo requirements like limited right? Or are you allowed/able to make major using 9mm in 3 gun? Or is there no difference? If you get it in 9mm, do yourself a favor and make sure they build it where it will also be IDPA legal as it would always have more value as a 9mm when it is IDPA legal too. Basically you would need short dust cover, bushing barrel, no tungsten guide rod, and 126mm mags.

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  • gat0r
    Originally posted by CJ View Post
    I had to fix that typo in the title. Nice Jason, that thing looks awesome. How do 1911's suppress? I've always wondered.
    quite awesome, no jams so far
    completely hearing safe w/ osprey

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  • slowyellow
    Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
    For that STI, I think I paid around $1900ish back in 2006 with 2 or 3 140mm mags. The safety on it at the time as well as the front sight were different, the hammer and sear had been worked on by a hack with a dremmel and it would occasionally go auto so that had to be replaced... All in all I think I was into it for around $2300-2400ish when said and done. Then the SVI on the right was $2750 new IIRC and was eleventy-billion times the gun the STI was right out of the box. If you have never shot a STI in a match, do so and you would be ecstatic! But don't shoot a SVI unless you want to pitch your STI in the trash and spend more money. Words cannot describe how sweet the SVI's are in every possible way (except price). This is TRULY an example of getting what you pay for though. Save a few hundred more, call Brandon at SVI and give him your CC info. Since you are not local, I'll run over there and pick it up for you and break it in, free of charge.
    I'm sure that you would. Did you ever see the SVI's in 9mm? I'd really like to stay around that round. I don't know anybody out here that shoots the SVI's, but I know a LOT of people that shoot STI's. Unfortunately the only ones that I can put my hands on are VERY modified. So I can't really get a feel for what one would feel like out of the box. My buddies STI feels like the slide is on ball bearings, I love it. I haven't shot it, and I'm trying to talk him into letting me shoot it during our next match. But I think he is in VERY deep on his STI. He used to shoot professionally back in the early 90's. He still "owns" a few courses from back then. Needless to say, he's a GM. He's the one who got me into the pistol shooting, and in turn I got him into the 3 gun stuff! What are some of the advantages of the SVI over the STI? And do you think that by the time you got it shooting the way that you prefer you might be in the SVI for less $$$$? Sorry for all of the questions, and I'll let you pick it up and break it in if you hand deliver it!

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  • bird_dog0347
    Originally posted by slowyellow View Post
    I think I'm in love with the STI. I'm really wanting to step up to a nice 2011 for my 3 gun setup. I wonder what something like that would run all setup????
    For that STI, I think I paid around $1900ish back in 2006 with 2 or 3 140mm mags. The safety on it at the time as well as the front sight were different, the hammer and sear had been worked on by a hack with a dremmel and it would occasionally go auto so that had to be replaced... All in all I think I was into it for around $2300-2400ish when said and done. Then the SVI on the right was $2750 new IIRC and was eleventy-billion times the gun the STI was right out of the box. If you have never shot a STI in a match, do so and you would be ecstatic! But don't shoot a SVI unless you want to pitch your STI in the trash and spend more money. Words cannot describe how sweet the SVI's are in every possible way (except price). This is TRULY an example of getting what you pay for though. Save a few hundred more, call Brandon at SVI and give him your CC info. Since you are not local, I'll run over there and pick it up for you and break it in, free of charge.

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  • slowyellow
    100 yds???

    I kid I kid!

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  • Silverback
    Shot it today, it did pretty good.

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  • slowyellow
    Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
    I used to shoot IDPA and USPSA every weekend, but when they shut down most of the ranges close to me and I had kids, had to stop shooting as much. Still have guns, but sold all these.

    I think I'm in love with the STI. I'm really wanting to step up to a nice 2011 for my 3 gun setup. I wonder what something like that would run all setup????

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  • dee
    Are the sights even usable with the Osprey?

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  • CJ
    I had to fix that typo in the title. Nice Jason, that thing looks awesome. How do 1911's suppress? I've always wondered.

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  • gat0r
    Springfield w/ gator grips & Osprey

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  • bird_dog0347
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    9mm, paid under retail for it.

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  • YALE
    Pretty swanky, Matt!

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  • Silverback
    9mm, paid under retail for it.

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  • War Machine
    I traded a usp .45 for a colt series 70. I LOVE that pistol. My dad loved it more so I gave it to him

    My question, if I get a springfield 1911 how does it compare to the colt 70? I assume theyre basically the same pistol?

    I'd never own a kimber, I watch a guy at the range beat the shit out of his kimber cause it kept FTE. He was pissed

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  • bird_dog0347
    Nice, what caliber? How much?

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