I traded for a Colt 1911 Series 70 a few weeks ago, I took it to my dads house, he feel in love with it so I gave it to him. I stumbled on this commander by luck today. The guy I bought it from said it was his wifes dad's gun, he passed away so they had no use for it. The gun has never been fired that I can tell. Only thing that sucks is Im left handed and would like to have a 1911 with a right side slide release but for what I got the gun for Im happy. Anyone that has a 1911 they wanna do some trading with shoot me a pm
I wanna do something to it, thinking about doing a trigger. I assume I could tackle this, and if so what trigger should I go with? I like the looks of the infinity triggers. Worth the hassle?
You should come off of one of those for a poor sailor, lol. Well, after that bolt gun project of mine I'm poor! And I wish that I knew someone with one of those local so that I could actually put my hands on one.
you could also custom order your S-V Infinity Sight Tracker with either interchangeable barrels (you do realize that you can swap the breech faces, right?) and/or complete top ends in different calibers
I have several S-V Infinity Sight Trackers, and the two latest are set up in both 9x19mm and .40S&W; you could order one pistol and fire 9x19mm, 9x21mm, 9x23mm, .38 Super, .40S&W, 10mm and .45 ACP
Brandon (and Sandy and Tiffany) have always taken care of me, and it does help that their shop is a mere 10 minutes away - I am not looking forward to the day they eventually relocate to the Mineral Wells area...
Yeah man, I'm in VA beach. C'mon, I've got a bedroom with your name on it.... Well as long as you're bringing a something that starts with a S and ends with an I with you... Did your SVI have the stock trigger? Is that the on that you were saying was so nice? I've got a guy who is awesome at 1911/2011 trigger jobs. Best that I've felt, it'd probably run me about $250 though.
As far as the 3 gun stuff, they do not have major/minor req's. So looking at that, I might be better off going with a .40 cal. I just hate to add another caliber to my reloading bench. But it would be a hell of a lot better for knocking steel over.
I'm going to have to do some research into the SVI. Like I said, I'd really like to pick up a nice pistol to replace the glock that I have too much money in right now, lol.
Yeah, it had a "stock" trigger job... but remember each SVI is essentially a custom gun and they make each and every trigger component, and everything else for it there in house. I'm sure they can set the weight and pull length/reset to whatever you ask them to, or just tell them it's competition only and you want the best trigger job in the history of EVER.
As for .40 vs. 9mm if you don't have to make major, a low power .40 round will shoot softer and flatter than a low power 9mm round. But if you wanted to shoot limited in USPSA you'd be better off shooting .40 and making major so you don't give up the points.
Hmmmm... you're near Richmond right? I could arrange a business trip out there I'm sure and my company can pay for the whole thing.
That said, please don't get me wrong, the STI's are great out of the box, and I would put them at the VERY TOP of any gun manufacturer that produces at least as many guns a year as they do. They and SV actually share the patent on the modular 2011 frame and developed it together. Essentially no difference in the design, but all in the build and customization ability. There are tons of gunsmiths out there that can custom build a STI exactly like you tell them to for a decent price, but they still have to get their building blocks from STI... well, the frame anyways.
SVI on the other hand makes all their parts in house now, and they are closer tolerances, higher precision, etc. I have never in my life felt a trigger as nice as what the SVI had. Also, that SVI was a sight tracker, an option I don't believe STI offers but I'm sure you could get one custom made that can include that.
I would say the best comparison would be the STI is like a Vette... fast, sleek, sexy, handles great, priced about right, and just flat runs right out of the box. The SVI would be more like a Ferrari... Custom built exactly how you want it from the factory, the colors you want, absolutely everything can be crafted to fit you and your needs/wants/desires straight from the manufacturer.
Out of the box, The STI usually seems to run a little better during the break in period, but once the SVI settles into it's groove, they are incredible. Also the service (at least a few years ago when I was shooting limited all the time) was second to none. Then again, they are made about 35 miles from my house. Also they can be made in any caliber you want. I have not shot 3 gun, but I assume they have major/minor ammo requirements like limited right? Or are you allowed/able to make major using 9mm in 3 gun? Or is there no difference? If you get it in 9mm, do yourself a favor and make sure they build it where it will also be IDPA legal as it would always have more value as a 9mm when it is IDPA legal too. Basically you would need short dust cover, bushing barrel, no tungsten guide rod, and 126mm mags.
Yeah man, I'm in VA beach. C'mon, I've got a bedroom with your name on it.... Well as long as you're bringing a something that starts with a S and ends with an I with you... Did your SVI have the stock trigger? Is that the on that you were saying was so nice? I've got a guy who is awesome at 1911/2011 trigger jobs. Best that I've felt, it'd probably run me about $250 though.
As far as the 3 gun stuff, they do not have major/minor req's. So looking at that, I might be better off going with a .40 cal. I just hate to add another caliber to my reloading bench. But it would be a hell of a lot better for knocking steel over.
I'm going to have to do some research into the SVI. Like I said, I'd really like to pick up a nice pistol to replace the glock that I have too much money in right now, lol.
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