So in your sample size of ONE, your gun has performed well. Congratulations, you've got a firearm that works as advertised. Now please do me a favor and go tell your stories to the dozens of people I've known who have had issues with their Kimbers. I've seen more Kimber Jam0-o-matics than any other single brand of 1911, yet their owners are always proclaiming how they never have issues. It's absolute bullshit. Some of their guns run great, and when they don't, prepare for Kimber to give you a world class runaround.
Just because your gun hasn't had an issue doesn't mean that it wont, nor that anyone else's problems don't exist.
I have a sample size of 3 Kimber's (one Customer Classic II and two Ultra Carry's) with no problems but I guess I'm just lucky like that
So basicly in your opinion a Kimber pistol no matter the model is not worth the dollar amount it costs?
I'm still waiting on you to tell me exactly why my Kimber is not worth the price tag I paid for it.
So in your sample size of ONE, your gun has performed well. Congratulations, you've got a firearm that works as advertised. Now please do me a favor and go tell your stories to the dozens of people I've known who have had issues with their Kimbers. I've seen more Kimber Jam0-o-matics than any other single brand of 1911, yet their owners are always proclaiming how they never have issues. It's absolute bullshit. Some of their guns run great, and when they don't, prepare for Kimber to give you a world class runaround.
Just because your gun hasn't had an issue doesn't mean that it wont, nor that anyone else's problems don't exist.
No, not exactly. It looks higher quality than it is. Bragging about a $1000 plus gun running reliably is like saying your BMW runs reliably. It obviously should, but that can easily be said about most any car, and certainly isn't a reason to pay for a high end model. The devil is in the details, and the kimbers don't stand up well to scrutiny.
So basicly in your opinion a Kimber pistol no matter the model is not worth the dollar amount it costs?
I'm still waiting on you to tell me exactly why my Kimber is not worth the price tag I paid for it.
In my opinion the single most important factor in owning a pistol for personal protection is reliability.
You wouldn't consider the Ultra CDP II a "premium" handgun?
I now have ran over 3,000 rounds of UMC ,Remington white box , Blazer and other crap fmj through this pistol and have yet to have a single issue. Yes it was a touch expensive but it's been well worth it.
No, not exactly. It looks higher quality than it is. Bragging about a $1000 plus gun running reliably is like saying your BMW runs reliably. It obviously should, but that can easily be said about most any car, and certainly isn't a reason to pay for a high end model. The devil is in the details, and the kimbers don't stand up well to scrutiny.
There are Kias on the road with 250,000 miles on them. Does that mean you would consider them a premium car?
You wouldn't consider the Ultra CDP II a "premium" handgun?
I now have ran over 3,000 rounds of UMC ,Remington white box , Blazer and other crap fmj through this pistol and have yet to have a single issue. Yes it was a touch expensive but it's been well worth it.
Ran 650 rounds of umc fmj through it right out of the box new without a single failure. Ive put 2500 rounds through it now and never had a single issue. Been the best CC pistol ive owned yet.
Ran 650 rounds of umc fmj through it right out of the box new without a single failure. Ive put 2500 rounds through it now and never had a single issue. Been the best CC pistol ive owned yet.
Those are great looking pistols, I've been thinking about one as a carry pistol.
Ran 650 rounds of umc fmj through it right out of the box new without a single failure. Ive put 2500 rounds through it now and never had a single issue. Been the best CC pistol ive owned yet.
I meant great customer service for how easy they were to deal with. Yes, sent in with a factory mag and the gun does have the problem with both factory and aftermarket mags.
Don't worry, the ATF monitors DFWM and will visiting him shortly.... Hell, it's probably their top priority now that he confirmed his purchase with a picture.
Wait, gun came back with more problems than it left with and that's "great customer service"?
Did you send in your magazine, and does the gun have the problem with the factory Springfield magazines?
I meant great customer service for how easy they were to deal with. Yes, sent in with a factory mag and the gun does have the problem with both factory and aftermarket mags.
Was getting a sporadic FTE on the last round of a mag. Used Wilson Combat, Chip McCormick and factory mags. Didn't matter. Not every time, but just enough to piss you off. Sent it back to Springfield (awesome customer service, even got a free trigger job) and when it came back I still got the FTE and also now have the "stovepipe" fail to feed. Called them up again and sending it back. Shooting Remington 230gr FMJ and Winchester 230gr FMJ white box, no reloads.
Wait, gun came back with more problems than it left with and that's "great customer service"?
Did you send in your magazine, and does the gun have the problem with the factory Springfield magazines?
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