"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
I'm having an open gun built to use in USPSA open division. It's essentially a double stack 1911 (2011) in 38 super comp and it has a Cmore RTS2 sight and a compensated barrel. This one below is very close to what I ordered except I ordered mine with diamond serrations on the top of the slide without any blast pattern and no mobius cutout in the grip and not using that thumb rest or thumb shields behind the safety. The color scheme though is the same (I put in my order before this one was done so I didn't copy it) as I requested all CRN finish that looks stainless but it's a silver PVD coating, and the magwell, /trigger/cmore mount all be anodized blue. I put down my deposit in January of 2017 and hope to have it before the middle of this summer.
In addition to those pics, you can literally have them build you ANYTHING you can imagine. They do not make guns without an order, every single one is custom to your design. Everything except the optic (and that thumb rest) is made in house in Gordon, TX and shows up as a billet bar. Every gun is 100% hand fit and the fit and finish is AMAZING, absolutely second to none. Look how tight the gaps are where the barrel and comp meet the slide, or below on some of these where the grip safety is blended into the frame or the back of the slide meeting the frame. It is truly a work of art, just a few examples below from mild and classy to crazy.
Originally posted by stevo
Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.
I want one kinda like what you are getting, I’m just a cheap Bastard, so I’ve been holding off. I would like to see yours sometime after you get it.
That snowflake one is out there.
Sure man, I'll be happy to meet up and let you shoot it once I get it. The snowflake one is my buddy Jonathan and he works for SVI so he pretty much built it himself. His daughter loves the movie Frozen so he was going for that theme.
If you want one it's really not that bad... I mean, it's ridiculously expensive but given that they are quoting a 12-15 month wait it gives you plenty of time to save up. They want $1k deposit to start it, and what I did was open a second checking account and put $200/check direct deposit into that account and not touch it. Once I get the call it's good to go and I'll pay in cash with no interest or anything like that. Hell, they could call today and I'm ready to go pay them.
Originally posted by stevo
Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.
Well, I’m waiting to hear back from TPM on my P5-SD, so that is taking a chunk out of gun/toy money. I will get one sometime, just not close to ready to purchase yet.
I would definitely say we need another DFWM shoot.
sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
86 SVO - Sold
'03 F150 Supercrew - Sold
01 TJ - new toy - Sold
65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold
I have never understood these types of hand guns; they appear foolish to me. Having never shot in the classes that they are designed for I have to ask if they are really needed to be competitive in the class? I have plenty of factory hot rodded hand guns that are super accurate and I can not imagine a significant increase in performance/accuracy. Even if these guns group 50 percent better that would be 1" at 50 yards vs 2". Is that enough to sway your score?
Edit: Someone posted a fake pic of a Glock 1911 once before. I would pay through the nose for one if the builder being discussed could do it.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
I have never understood these types of hand guns; they appear foolish to me. Having never shot in the classes that they are designed for I have to ask if they are really needed to be competitive in the class? I have plenty of factory hot rodded hand guns that are super accurate and I can not imagine a significant increase in performance/accuracy. Even if these guns group 50 percent better that would be 1" at 50 yards vs 2". Is that enough to sway your score?
Edit: Someone posted a fake pic of a Glock 1911 once before. I would pay through the nose for one if the builder being discussed could do it.
Grouping isn't really important in USPSA... you just want to hit the A zone two times of the target as fast as possible before you go on to shooting the next target. While these guns are EXTREMELY accurate and can group 1" easily at 50 yards, that's not the point.
In Open division (what I shoot) the (edit to correct) rules don't prohibit much at all, so you can have a red dot or comp or whatever, but the rules defin a maximum magazine length of 171.25mm and the minimum caliber to make major power factor is 9mm. Power factor is defined as weight of bullet in grains times FPS, and minor must equal at least 125000 and major must equal at least 165000. Scoring is based on points divided by time to get a "hit factor" and points are as follows.
1 A "alpha" = 5 points for major or minor
1 B "bravo" or C "charlie" = 4 points for a major power factor hit
1 B "bravo" or C "charlie" = 3 points for a minor power factor hit
1 D "delta" = 2 points for major
1 D "delta" = 1 points for minor
So in open, pretty much everyone shoots major, if for no other reason than to have more powder and gas to work the comp better to make it shoot flatter. If you're shooting in limited division then you'll want one of the iron sight guns like above in double stack so you can get the most rounds in the magazine which is limited to 141.25mm in length and no red dot or comp. If you're not shooting a real open gun in Open division, you'll have an enormous disadvantage, so yes they are absolutely necessary to be competitive.
If you want it to look like a glock... I mean, I guess they could do it, post the pic and I'll tell you if I think they could.
Watch this video to see what they are used for.
Originally posted by stevo
Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.
^^^^ I guess my question should have been how much improvement do they offer? If you took the classes top scoring shooter and gave them a stock G21 or a CZ97 how much would it drop their score?
PPC used to be super competitive in the DFW area and one year I shot a stock S&W J-frame or a model 64 4"just to prove a point and I was never out of the top 10 finishers. The top guy was always an older black guy who was a member of the FWPD and he shot his duty carry 1911.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
^^^^ I guess my question should have been how much improvement do they offer? If you took the classes top scoring shooter and gave them a stock G21 or a CZ97 how much would it drop their score?
PPC used to be super competitive in the DFW area and one year I shot a stock S&W J-frame or a model 64 4"just to prove a point and I was never out of the top 10 finishers. The top guy was always an older black guy who was a member of the FWPD and he shot his duty carry 1911.
“Never out of the top 10�
How could u not be consistently #1?
sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
86 SVO - Sold
'03 F150 Supercrew - Sold
01 TJ - new toy - Sold
65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold