Well, me and some friends were sitting around drinking and bullshitting a few weeks back and one of us had a bright idea. What if we mounted a gun on my jeep for the purpose of driving around and spotlighting hogs, rabbits, armadillos, and whatever the hell else moves?
I thought that would be cool, but no way would I weld a pintle and whatnot on the roll bar of my stock 2003 Wrangler. Well we found a creative solution...
Apparently KNS makes an adapter that allows any gun with a picatinny rail to be attached to an MG42 AA tripod. Who would have thunk it? So I ordered the tripod, the adapter, and waited until the arrived. We spent a while fucking with the mount, and got a bit crazy with it-
And of course we mounted a glock on it-
Well we decided to test it out and see how sturdy it would be in the jeep. We spread the legs of the tripod and put the front leg inside the rear cup holder and used ratchet straps to steady the whole deal. End result was pretty damn funny-
So yeah, it mounted and of course we had to drive it around the block to make sure it was steady (with the gun completely unloaded mind you). With the initial test a success, and being the armchair commando that I am I have decided to build a unit for the purpose of using with the mount.
First up came the C Mag-
This was justifiable, I figured it would be fun to run on the bump stock anyway.
Next up is an upper with a heavy barrel, lo pro front gas block, and a quad rail to enable mounting. I will also put an eotech on it and 2 bigass surefire flashlights so that the gun will be its own spotlight. Something like this, but not with these spade grips-
Now this is the big step. Who wants to mount a gun and use a lame pistol grip? Well, here is the solution-
Yep, that is a crank fire Ar15 with spade grips. I figure this will be just plain fun to set up some targets throughout the lease, and then drive around and try to have the gunner shoot them, lol.
Anyways, yes I have gone crazy.
I thought that would be cool, but no way would I weld a pintle and whatnot on the roll bar of my stock 2003 Wrangler. Well we found a creative solution...
Apparently KNS makes an adapter that allows any gun with a picatinny rail to be attached to an MG42 AA tripod. Who would have thunk it? So I ordered the tripod, the adapter, and waited until the arrived. We spent a while fucking with the mount, and got a bit crazy with it-
And of course we mounted a glock on it-
Well we decided to test it out and see how sturdy it would be in the jeep. We spread the legs of the tripod and put the front leg inside the rear cup holder and used ratchet straps to steady the whole deal. End result was pretty damn funny-
So yeah, it mounted and of course we had to drive it around the block to make sure it was steady (with the gun completely unloaded mind you). With the initial test a success, and being the armchair commando that I am I have decided to build a unit for the purpose of using with the mount.
First up came the C Mag-
This was justifiable, I figured it would be fun to run on the bump stock anyway.
Next up is an upper with a heavy barrel, lo pro front gas block, and a quad rail to enable mounting. I will also put an eotech on it and 2 bigass surefire flashlights so that the gun will be its own spotlight. Something like this, but not with these spade grips-
Now this is the big step. Who wants to mount a gun and use a lame pistol grip? Well, here is the solution-
Yep, that is a crank fire Ar15 with spade grips. I figure this will be just plain fun to set up some targets throughout the lease, and then drive around and try to have the gunner shoot them, lol.
Anyways, yes I have gone crazy.