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Pay it foward

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  • Pay it foward

    I have seen this done on several other forums. If you have some parts just laying around post em up for somebody to have.
    1 No for sale Items ..
    2 First I will take it on thread gets the item
    4 Can only claim an Item if ,
    (a) You have posted Items to give away previously .
    (b)If you have not posted items up for grabs before then you most have an Item Posted up for grabs in your I will take it Post.
    5 One for One , You can claim one up for grabs item for every item you place up for grabs
    6 Items can be anything , They do not have to be Gun related.

    I have an A2 pistol grip for grabs.
    Also a pair of A1 triangle hangaurds .
    Last edited by 01yz2nv; 01-28-2011, 10:07 PM.
    "You don't so much drive it, more like poke it with a sharp stick and channel the fury when you piss it off."

    FFL & LTC Instructor
    Factory Five MK4 Cobra
    Build thread-

  • #2
    Great idea! I'll take the A1 triangle handguards!

    I have a couple A2 pistol grips also if anyone needs one....


    • #3
      Originally posted by bronco71 View Post
      Great idea! I'll take the A1 triangle handguards!

      I have a couple A2 pistol grips also if anyone needs one....
      Pm your address and I'll get em sent out to you.
      "You don't so much drive it, more like poke it with a sharp stick and channel the fury when you piss it off."

      FFL & LTC Instructor
      Factory Five MK4 Cobra
      Build thread-


      • #4
        son of a bitch.

        I have over 100 G3 pistol grips to anyone interested.
        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


        • #5
          I have 30 rounds of 7.62X54R surplus, and a 20 round box of soft point 30-06 that I cannot use. If you want them, holler. I live in Oak Cliff and work in Addison area.

          I also have 3 8 rounds 45 Kimber magazines I'll let go to anyone in need. I upgraded to Wilsons.

          I'm looking for 30-06, 223/5.56, and 45 brass mostly so I can start reloading. I'd also be interested in spare reloading parts for the above calibers.


          • #6
            Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
            I have 30 rounds of 7.62X54R surplus, and a 20 round box of soft point 30-06 that I cannot use. If you want them, holler. I live in Oak Cliff and work in Addison area.

            I also have 3 8 rounds 45 Kimber magazines I'll let go to anyone in need. I upgraded to Wilsons.

            I'm looking for 30-06, 223/5.56, and 45 brass mostly so I can start reloading. I'd also be interested in spare reloading parts for the above calibers.
            I'll hook you up. Let's trade.
            "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
            "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


            • #7
              I can dig in my brass pile and see what i have.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
                I can dig in my brass pile and see what i have.
                Dibbs on 9mm and 45 ACP, I'll pay shipping. Oh, btw, I have a blackhawk foregirp for a remmington 870 to anyone who needs it.
                04 2.6 KB'd Cobra!

                Originally posted by Sean88gt
                There is something about her that just makes my dick completely take over any thought process. If Russell Brand were on top of her, I'd fuck him just to say I pushed a dick inside of her.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
                  I can dig in my brass pile and see what i have.
                  I'll take .40 and .38 super if you have any. Also .458 socom....I know that one is doubtful.


                  • #10
                    I have a bunch of 7mm remington mag and some 222 ammo. I also have a box of 410 shotgun shells.

                    Edit: I also have some 25-06 and some 300WSM
                    Last edited by Moose242; 01-27-2011, 03:57 PM.
                    Originally posted by lincolnboy
                    After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                    • #11
                      I have:

                      A Crossbreed Super Tuck (used from my kimber UCII).
                      Two boxes of 22LR.
                      And Probably two dozen in 30.06 Brass.

                      Looking For:
                      BCG for my AR
                      .45 ACP Defense Ammo
                      .223 Ammo
                      30.06 Ammo


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Treybiz View Post
                        I have:

                        A Crossbreed Super Tuck (used from my kimber UCII).
                        Two boxes of 22LR.
                        And Probably two dozen in 30.06 Brass.

                        Looking For:
                        BCG for my AR
                        .45 ACP Defense Ammo
                        .223 Ammo
                        30.06 Ammo
                        pm sent


                        • #13
                          I have some stock compact glock parts.

                          trigger assembly
                          mag release
                          slide release
                          mag base plates ( idk what to call these)

                          need ar parts
                          Last edited by VaderTT; 01-26-2011, 06:24 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bronco71 View Post
                            pm sent


                            • #15
                              My SuperTuck is Gone But I still have 2 22LR Boxes someone can have and some 30.06 Brass. I also have a game camera with water damage if someone can fix those sorta things.

                              I am looking for a few things:

                              Complete BCG for MY AR
                              An El-Cheapo Metal Gun Cabinet with a Lock.
                              Game Camera
                              Metal Ammo Box

