Well, I decided to start a thread dedicated to .300 BLK load data since it is so difficult to find. I've some PM's lately about finding load data. A lot of the data out there literally makes no sense (same projectile, charge, vastly different velocities reported). So I'm going to post up data I've personally verified and tested.
So, my cheap .300 BLK plinking load is as follows:
147gr FMJ M80 Surplus
15.6gr Alliant 2400
2.16" OAL
This round has heavy recoil and it is a very hot load, from what I can find MOST supersonic velocities are around 2000-2100fps for 110gr projectiles, and I'm nearly there with a 147gr. I am the only one I can find that is using 2400 in the .300BLK, but it makes sense since it is a .44 magnum powder, which lobs 200-300gr projectiles out of a 8" barrel revolver. It only stands that 150-250gr projectiles out of a 9.5" barrel is going to be comparable. This load is extremely accurate (.34" group at 50 yards with a 9.5" barrel). I would expect 2000fps+ from a 16" barrel. So far this is the most energy I've been able to deliver with a .300 BLK load. My converted .223 cases last 3-4 reloads before the primer pockets open up and I have to get the ball bearing out. The primers are flat, but not seamless flat. There is no denying this is a hot load.
I played with some subsonic loads using 2400, but it does not occupy enough case volume and is highly inconsistent and not useful. I need to try some of the cowboy powders for high volume/consistency.
110gr Sierra HP
20.0gr H110
1.975" COL
2100fps estimated
This is a standard supersonic low recoil hunting load.
125gr Nosler BT
19.5gr H110
2.013" OAL
2000fps estimated
This is a standard supersonic low recoil hunting load. H110 is the standard powder for supersonic loads.
Caliber: .300 BLK
Specific: Subsonic
Powder: Alliant 2400
COL: 2.135"
8.5gr......<Keith shot my chronograph>
So as you can see this project remained unfinished. Of course the SD will get better as the charges increase, my estimation is around 10gr of 2400 you might have a decent subsonic load here. I will revisit this again and finish my table.
*** Update 11/27/12 - Pointless endeavor, unable to cycle action at such a low weight, a heavier bullet is required for longer dwell time to cycle action. The action will start to cycle around a 200gr projectile, anything below that is a waste of time.
225gr Hornady BTHP Match
11.7gr AA1680
2.16" OAL
AA1680 is the standard subsonic powder for .300BLK. This load is for a 9.5" SBR barrel, if you're loading for a 16" barrel you would drop down to around 11.2gr. For reference the sound barrier in DFW @ 600ft elevation relative is 1130fps.
220gr Nosler Partition SP
10.8 gr AA1680
2.10" OAL
*all chrono data is taken from a 9.5" barrel.
So, my cheap .300 BLK plinking load is as follows:
147gr FMJ M80 Surplus
15.6gr Alliant 2400
2.16" OAL
This round has heavy recoil and it is a very hot load, from what I can find MOST supersonic velocities are around 2000-2100fps for 110gr projectiles, and I'm nearly there with a 147gr. I am the only one I can find that is using 2400 in the .300BLK, but it makes sense since it is a .44 magnum powder, which lobs 200-300gr projectiles out of a 8" barrel revolver. It only stands that 150-250gr projectiles out of a 9.5" barrel is going to be comparable. This load is extremely accurate (.34" group at 50 yards with a 9.5" barrel). I would expect 2000fps+ from a 16" barrel. So far this is the most energy I've been able to deliver with a .300 BLK load. My converted .223 cases last 3-4 reloads before the primer pockets open up and I have to get the ball bearing out. The primers are flat, but not seamless flat. There is no denying this is a hot load.
I played with some subsonic loads using 2400, but it does not occupy enough case volume and is highly inconsistent and not useful. I need to try some of the cowboy powders for high volume/consistency.
110gr Sierra HP
20.0gr H110
1.975" COL
2100fps estimated
This is a standard supersonic low recoil hunting load.
125gr Nosler BT
19.5gr H110
2.013" OAL
2000fps estimated
This is a standard supersonic low recoil hunting load. H110 is the standard powder for supersonic loads.
Caliber: .300 BLK
Specific: Subsonic
Powder: Alliant 2400
COL: 2.135"
8.5gr......<Keith shot my chronograph>
So as you can see this project remained unfinished. Of course the SD will get better as the charges increase, my estimation is around 10gr of 2400 you might have a decent subsonic load here. I will revisit this again and finish my table.
*** Update 11/27/12 - Pointless endeavor, unable to cycle action at such a low weight, a heavier bullet is required for longer dwell time to cycle action. The action will start to cycle around a 200gr projectile, anything below that is a waste of time.
225gr Hornady BTHP Match
11.7gr AA1680
2.16" OAL
AA1680 is the standard subsonic powder for .300BLK. This load is for a 9.5" SBR barrel, if you're loading for a 16" barrel you would drop down to around 11.2gr. For reference the sound barrier in DFW @ 600ft elevation relative is 1130fps.
220gr Nosler Partition SP
10.8 gr AA1680
2.10" OAL
*all chrono data is taken from a 9.5" barrel.