What i saw, and it may be biased, was that over time the full length sizing of 454 caused lengthening.
For my purposes it was one wheelgun and I was sure at the time that perfect length was important for chamber sealing. I had empirical reasons to think so.
In general I simply ran every sized case through a trim process, and called it a day. I noticed that the shiny part (indicating some metal had been cut) was not always consistently around the rim. I chalked it up to swaging pressures during sizing.
I was biased because I was (and still am) sure that the SD and end MV was affected by the difference in the primer seating. But the hell with that these days.
For my purposes it was one wheelgun and I was sure at the time that perfect length was important for chamber sealing. I had empirical reasons to think so.
In general I simply ran every sized case through a trim process, and called it a day. I noticed that the shiny part (indicating some metal had been cut) was not always consistently around the rim. I chalked it up to swaging pressures during sizing.
I was biased because I was (and still am) sure that the SD and end MV was affected by the difference in the primer seating. But the hell with that these days.