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hi-point carbine

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  • #31
    fuck you guys these carbines are decent..


    • #32
      Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
      I call these my hi-point hi-lights:

      ^^ another hipoint forum moderator ^^
      That guys if fuckin' klassy with a K....

      I'm personally looking for a good 9mm truck gun, and I would never consider a Hi point.... Hi Point is probably the only gun a real criminal with any gun knowledge would leave behind. Hell a nice criminal will probably leave you some cash and note to buy a real gun.


      • #33
        any gun can jam. Stephen asked if anyone owned one. Why not give they guy some usefull info from people that actually own one. That being said I own one but have not shot it. I bought it for a cheap plinker so as of yet I can not speak to reliability. I do agree a 10/22 might be a better choice for a plinker. I own one of those also but have not shot it either. Hmmm come to think of it I own several that I have not shot. Like I said any gun can have problems, currently my Kimber has issues that I could use some help on. Anyway I think there is a wealth of information in this forum when people give it honestly and a helpfull way.
        Last edited by txstangnut; 04-08-2011, 11:25 AM.


        • #34
          shit that's a good idea.
          leave behind a crap gun like these hi points and put a tracking device in it.
          When the ghetto thief steals it, not only will it work like shit, he's too stupid to actually ever work on the gun and discover the transmitter.
          Win - win, thief gets caught, douchebag's gun doesn't work anyway!

          if the ATF had any fucking brains they'd be all over this


          • #35
            I once naively purchased a Hi-Pointless .45 pistol. It was a piece of shit.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #36
              one time a buddy brought out a free hi point pistol to shoot.
              I picked it up, and I was immediately confused. the rear sight was a ring so it obscured my target a lot
              after a couple shots (i think it was 380) we realized we couldn't hit anything, even though we were close and target was big
              so rear sight looked drifted way over somehow by prev owner , i have no idea why..
              I was like 'just throw it away'
              next round of shooting, i grabbed it and the mag fell out. looked and the mag release was right in the way of your grip. Man that was weird.
              so my friend gave it shot.
              after dropping the mag a couple times , he popped off a few.
              Missed target , miss , 5 feet in front of target

              I asked my friend - do you think you could rely on this for a bump in the night?
              after all it was free and that was all he cared to want a gun for. still useless....though

