Anyone have any good or bad things to say about a Taurus model 605 2" .357 magnum revolver? Picked on up that looks brand new at the Dallas gun show Saturday for $265 out the door. Seems like a well made gun in my hands.
You're going to get some elitist talking about the fucking junk you bought, how it's a piece of shit, and you're a contributing member to the fucking production of shitty firearms.
But, if it shoots, and is accurate for the 2" that it is, fuck it, it's a good purchase.
Shouldn't you have asked that question before you bought it?
No because I wasn't honestly in the market for one but as we were on the last aisle and about to leave I saw it at the last table and thought the price was pretty low for a .357 so it became an impulse buy. Been kinda wanting a wheel gun for the safe/nightstand anyway so I figured what the heck.
I have one of their 4" 44 magnum revolvers. pretty decent gun for the money and as accurate as one could expect from a magnum round in a 4" barrel at anything less than 50 feet. I would easily buy another one in .357 just to use up the ton of .357 an .38 special that is sitting in the ammo locker here at the house which I have no gun to shoot it with. For $265 you got a decent pocket gun for the summer carry in shorts or tool box gun.
I just picked up a model 85 .38+p for $200 new at a gun show last week haven’t shot it yet but the trigger pull is great the gun looks and feels great I can’t find anything bad to say about it. Got it for carry cause it’s small lite and easy to hide. Did some digging after I got it and it actually has some great reviews on it. I’d like a 357 next probably going to get a performance center Smith I’ve had my eye on.
I have a few customers that really love those too for the price.
It's not bad at all for the price. The straight 8 sights are craptastic. Basically a dot on the front sight and a dot on the rear sight, you're supposed to make an 8 out of them and aim just above it. With mine, that will send your shot down and right. Once I figured that out, it's fairly accurate.
I think Taurus is trash, but most of their guns run. My thinking is I wouldn't trust my life to anything less than the best I can afford, and I can afford better than just about everything they make. If all I cared about was making one box's worth of bang bang noises at a berm and then cleaning it, reloading it, and ignoring it in a drawer or toolbox for the rest of my life, I would probably be fine with a Taurus. I'm not here to tell anyone else what to carry though. This is strictly my opinion.