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Let's discuss 9mm ARs

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  • #46
    While not an AR, I picked up a CZ Scorpion Evo pistol in FDE with folding stock and a Gearhead Works Tailhook arm brace on black friday. Everything I've heard and seen about them is that they are badass, inexpensive sub guns that are built to be suppressed unlike things like the Sig MPX. I got a Vortex SparcII for it, haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. Plan on getting some range time in with it this upcoming weekend.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Taylor View Post
      While not an AR, I picked up a CZ Scorpion Evo pistol in FDE with folding stock and a Gearhead Works Tailhook arm brace on black friday. Everything I've heard and seen about them is that they are badass, inexpensive sub guns that are built to be suppressed unlike things like the Sig MPX. I got a Vortex SparcII for it, haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. Plan on getting some range time in with it this upcoming weekend.


      • #48
        People that think the MPX wasn't designed to be suppressed missed the time when they made a "carbine" where like 8" of the barrel was a "brake," with the intention being they would sell you shroud to suppress it after a Form 1 was procured by the end user.


        • #49
          No doubt the MPX is a badass pistol caliber carbine. My buddy has one and shoots it suppressed. I asked him about the blowback and he admitted it was pretty bad but not unbearable. I first heard about it when I was researching sub guns a few months ago. Not sure how to embed the video like you did, but check this video out if you haven't already. Very good comparison of Evo vs. MPX when suppressed.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Brandon-k View Post
            "If you're worried about the cost of a gun this isn't the hobby for you"

            That's a stupid ass statement and could be applied to any hobby. You're on a car board . Where's your Koeinigsegg Agera? Well...if you're worried about cost, I guess this just isn't the hobby for you. It's all relative. If people have a hobby of flying should they just quit because they don't have a G5? Come on man. I know you're known for being full of shit around here....but that's just a dumb way to look at recreational shooting.
            For the most part guns appreciate in value; for the most part cars do not. I have a shit ton of both cars and guns and I am lucky that I have sat on (some call it hoarding) a few cars that have skyrocketed in value.

            I do not have a Koeinigsegg Agera because I would have to sell most every asset I own to have the cash to buy one and I have never even heard of one until I googled it a few moments ago. I do have to admit that their 1 to 1 model of a year or two ago is the only material item that I can truly say that I felt actual pit of my gut lust for. Cars like the first model that you mention do not really appeal to me. I like going fast in something that I made fast. Have you heard of the saying "You can't make a race horse out of a pig"? I enjoy making a really fast pig.

            I would also not consider a pressed sheet metal HK sub gun to be a top tier gun. It is a POS gun designed to be manufactured cheaply in a war time economy that also happens to function perfectly; so perfectly that its performance has never been bested. You can also pick up a Turk or Pakie made clone for under 2k that is identical in function and reliability.

            FYI: A recreational shooting hobby turns money into noise; it is in fact actually burning money.
            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


            • #51
              Originally posted by YALE View Post
              I'm not worried about the cost of the gun. I'm talking about value for the money spent. I'm also not comparing a Scorpion pistol to a transferrable machinegun. That's ridiculous. The real comparison is between the various new production 9mm pistols in carbine format. Does that make sense? The SPK5 just doesn't deliver the fun for dollar and the ease of use that a lot of other 9mm "carbines" do. They also aren't sitting on a lot of shelves or getting a ton of press. Also, again, fuck H&K in the neck for shitting on US shooters.
              I have to agree with what you are saying 100 percent. You should hear the lame ass excuse HK gives for fucking us around for 35 + years now that they need the money that US consumers spend.
              Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


              • #52
                Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                I have to agree with what you are saying 100 percent. You should hear the lame ass excuse HK gives for fucking us around for 35 + years now that they need the money that US consumers spend.
                Sorry to get so heated about it. I just can't buy from them.
                ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                • #53
                  Originally posted by YALE View Post
                  Sorry to get so heated about it. I just can't buy from them.
                  I understand. Most of the HK retarded roller lockup stuff that I own is contract stuff; EBO, and FMP. The new Turk and Pakie imports are damn nice if you have always wanted an HK but the ridiculous prices for pre 89 stuff kept you away.
                  Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                  • #54
                    Realistically I would build a 5.56 SBR AR before I bought an MP5.
                    ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by YALE View Post
                      Realistically I would build a 5.56 SBR AR before I bought an MP5.
                      I bought 2 factory Colt 9mm ARs about 20-25 years ago; one was a SBR and the other was a 16"er. Neither one is the gun an MP5 is. The SBR is still stashed away who knows where and the other I sold as NIB after Sandy Hook. If you are going to build an AR it is pointless to chamber it in a pistol cartridge. ARs in general are OK rifles but they make for a shitty sub gun but I do have to admit that I am biased because I think sub guns are kind of pointless in the modern era where you can buy body armor on Amazon.

                      Edit: I was really pleased with the cost of 9mm AR mags vs the MP5 mags since at the time most every mag out there for an MP5 other than genuine HK ones did not feed for shit.
                      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                        I bought 2 factory Colt 9mm ARs about 20-25 years ago; one was a SBR and the other was a 16"er. Neither one is the gun an MP5 is. The SBR is still stashed away who knows where and the other I sold as NIB after Sandy Hook. If you are going to build an AR it is pointless to chamber it in a pistol cartridge. ARs in general are OK rifles but they make for a shitty sub gun but I do have to admit that I am biased because I think sub guns are kind of pointless in the modern era where you can buy body armor on Amazon.

                        Edit: I was really pleased with the cost of 9mm AR mags vs the MP5 mags since at the time most every mag out there for an MP5 other than genuine HK ones did not feed for shit.
                        A big upshot to a 9mm AR these days is a bunch take Glock mags. Again, I would still rather have another 5.56 AR.
                        ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by YALE View Post
                          Realistically I would build a 5.56 SBR AR before I bought an MP5.

                          Such a better option the whole way around. I have an mp5 and it’s the new super whizzed our French style. But it’s whatever. I’ll shoot my sbr AR over it any day.


                          • #58
                            I think one of the main reasons you see all the new 9mm AR's is the adoption of the PCC division (pistol caliber carbine) in sports like USPSA. I shot my friends 9mm JP GMR15 in a match back on black friday at Cresson and while it's not something I'd like to do all the time it was fun and something I would do a couple of times a year. He tried it once in a match and didn't like it so I offered to buy it from him next year. I wouldn't use it for really anything other than competition though, but it's fun from that aspect.
                            Originally posted by stevo
                            Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



                            • #59
                              Yeah, they are everywhere in PCC.
                              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                              • #60
                                Shooting my MPX is both cheaper and more fun than shooting my pistol AR.

