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CMP south store visit and purchase

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  • CMP south store visit and purchase

    Last week the wife and kids and I went to Atlanta to visit her dad and grandmother (92). 2 year old seeing 92 year old is a must as often as possible.

    Anyway I stopped by the CMP store on the way there (only open Thur, Fri and Sat) and it was nearly bare! Normally it's filled with rifles, but the armorers have all been busy completing the M1 carbine order. So the Garands were is almost no supply. As a result I got a brand new completely rebuilt M1 Garand in 308. New barrel, etc. I miss the Korean war vintage one I traded. Good news is that I don't have 30-06, but have lots of 308. I snapped some pics. It's pretty but I need to find some tung oil to treat the stock to the proper finish. It's pretty raw wood right now.

    I took some photos, which I will photobucket and link to later.

    Next time I pop open a bottle of wine, I'm going to have to give the obligatory "our life doesn't suck" toast. I also have a new car (new to me) coming, and I'm probably taking my 78 Vette to Counterfiend for some shinola soon. Photos coming of those as well.

  • #2
    I spent a week there in 2003 sorting shit and building stuff. Impressive operation. I couldn't imagine that there is much left.


    • #3
      Give this stuff a try instead of using tung oil.

      jalalive Sebagai situs streaming olahraga nomor satu, JalaLive menawarkan pengalaman menonton yang bebas buffering dengan kualitas video terbaik. Anda dapat menikmati siaran langsung dari berbagai liga top dunia tanpa perlu berlangganan atau registrasi!

      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


      • #4
        What's the latest on the 1911's, is that deal going to happen?
        "You don't so much drive it, more like poke it with a sharp stick and channel the fury when you piss it off."

        FFL & LTC Instructor
        Factory Five MK4 Cobra
        Build thread-


        • #5
          Originally posted by 01yz2nv View Post
          What's the latest on the 1911's, is that deal going to happen?
          Yes on 1911s. ETA unknown. Had signs up all over saying yes, ETAunknown and please don't ask.


          • #6


            • #7


              • #8
                I didn't think the general public could purchase anything from the CMP unless a member of some sort of organization? Or am I wrong about that?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jose View Post
                  I didn't think the general public could purchase anything from the CMP unless a member of some sort of organization? Or am I wrong about that?
                  Any person of the public can buy from cmp as long as they are not prohibited by law, member of a cmp affiliated club (this can be veterans organizations, current military/LEO organizations, or any of the other 2k clubs for the public), and the have to provide proof marksmanship or firearms familiarity activity ( this can be honorable discharge, dd214, chl, any competitions, or classes one may take).


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by David View Post
                    Any person of the public can buy from cmp as long as they are not prohibited by law, member of a cmp affiliated club (this can be veterans organizations, current military/LEO organizations, or any of the other 2k clubs for the public), and the have to provide proof marksmanship or firearms familiarity activity ( this can be honorable discharge, dd214, chl, any competitions, or classes one may take).
                    All true. It's not as hard as you think to qualify. Being a vet, made it pretty easy for me. Now that I'm in the database I can buy and they will even ship directly to me. I'm not sure how this works legally, but it's how they do it.

                    The Garand collectors association is only $25 per year and they send an updated member list to the CMP monthly to make things even simpler.

                    I will probably go shoot her this weekend or next. I have some honey-dos around the house as well and some hobby car projects to do as well.


                    • #11
                      They can ship directly to you because they're the govt.


                      • #12
                        I've shopped at both the Anniston and Port Clinton stores. Almost bought a cannon in Port Clinton......almost.

                        Sent from my LG-D959 using Tapatalk

