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Deer hunting 2015
Love is in the air
This is from our little place in East Texas"A bad day hunting beats a good day at work"
Golden Oaks Lodge
East Texas Axis and Fallow hunts
Originally posted by lowthreeohz View PostI let one walk and missed one so far, haven't seen much else.I have until Jan 2 for rifle up here, then I think we get one week of muzzle loader before season ends. If I don't have something by new years I'm going to be pissed
I don't hunt, but we have plenty of deer around the house. Here are a couple of them on the front porch.
We name them. First one is Boris and the second one is Bruno. These are just two of at least 15 different bucks we have seen lately. Too many doe and young deer to even count. It's illegal to feed them here, but they sometimes come for scraps on the ground from the bird feeder, and they munch on the grass/weeds/flowers/pine needles anyway. They will walk right up to us and even let you touch them.
There is one buck who is easily twice the size of either of these two. We named him Jabba. He's an old dude, and looks morbidly obese, and his rack is all kinds of crazy looking. We've only seen him come by once, though, and I didn't snap a pic.
It's so common to see these guys up close every single day, that most of the time we don't even bother to take pics anymore.
I've seen elk tracks in my driveway, but haven't actually spotted one yet up here. It's just a matter of time.