Open carry is arguably dumber than whataburger disallowing it.
That's a curious point of view, considering many states have allowed it for years, many without even requiring a license, with no ill effects.
I've never understood equivocation on 2nd amendment rights. Hunters did it for decades with views like "I've got my deer gun l, and that's all anyone needs" what did this get us? The gun control acts of 68 and 86 and the assault weapons ban in the 90's.
Equivocation only helps the cause of the "common sense gun control crowd"
History has shown us that a right not used is one soon to be taken away.
So you don't personally want to open carry. Good for you. So let people who are willing to help keep that right, and by extension help keep the rights you personally like such as 30rd magazines, nfa, and scary black rifles.
We'll exercise our rights by telling you that you can't exercise yours.
Got it.
Wait a minute - this is the exact same thing as the smoking bans. Private businesses and/or cities can decide that something that is technically legal (open carry / smoking cigarettes) is not permissible on their premises. And I know where you stand on the smoking bans!!
It's the free market system and it works fine. Seems really simple to me - conceal your weapon before you walk into Whataburger, or don't go there in the first place.
When the government pays, the government controls.
The Open Carry debate seems to flush out the liberals hiding in conservative circles.....
The business should be allowed to set the rules, and you can choose to patronize or not. The government can kindly stay the fuck out of private matters. Kind of like how they should've handled the smoking ban......
Wait a minute - this is the exact same thing as the smoking bans. Private businesses and/or cities can decide that something that is technically legal (open carry / smoking cigarettes) is not permissible on their premises. And I know where you stand on the smoking bans!!
It's the free market system and it works fine. Seems really simple to me - conceal your weapon before you walk into Whataburger, or don't go there in the first place.
Wrong. Second hand smoke is what makes this apples and oranges.
Wrong. Second hand smoke is what makes this apples and oranges.
No one is forcing you to breathe smokey air, you can choose to patronize somewhere else. But NOPE, government control on private business FTW!
On your trip to a clean-air bar, take a big whiff at every red light while you sit in traffic. You'll breathe in more carcinogens than you would've spending your evening in a smokey room. Ban second-hand exhaust!!11!!!1
No one is forcing you to breathe smokey air, you can choose to patronize somewhere else. But NOPE, government control on private business FTW!
On your trip to a clean-air bar, take a big whiff at every red light while you sit in traffic. You'll breathe in more carcinogens than you would've spending your evening in a smokey room. Ban second-hand exhaust!!11!!!1
They own the goddamn business. If they say "we require that patrons wear clown wigs and tutus to patronize our establishment" then they can fucking do it without infringing on shit.
Originally posted by lincolnboy
After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.