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Finally getting CHL

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  • #16
    Was finger printed yesterday. Now I just have to wait. Time to hit the range and train, a lot.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
      The whole Garland incident ended up being a motivating factor as I finally got off my ass and took the CHL class. I just finished submitting all my forms and I will do my fingerprints on Monday morning.

      About damn time.

      I didn't do too bad on the firing qualification but, as you can see here, I screwed up on my very last shot.

      I've been trying on my PX4 Storm Compact with an Alienware holster and frankly it feels a bit bulky. I think I'm going to get something a little smaller for my CCW. Anyone have recommendations? I would like to go with 9mm Luger ammo to match my Beretta but I'm not dead set on it..

      Congrats man and about time! Not to familiar with the PX4 but I'm guessing it's similar to the thickness of a 92 and most double stack 9mm. I wouldn't think it would be that bad with the right belt and holster (I've carried double stack 9mm, .40 S&W, and even a XD in .45) and it wasn't to bad.

      Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
      Yes I've heard the same thing said about taking additional training beyond the CHL. Lawyers will use anything they can....

      Look at this way. If you are involved in a shooting it may likely end up in front of a jury. The opposing lawyer is going to use anything they can regardless of logic or ethics. It doesn't take a lot to sway the minds of the masses these days. There is enough anti-gun and illogical sentiment going around to land you in a heap of shit if you ever do have to defend yourself or your family. Why give them free fuel for the fire?

      If the DAs and Lawyers weren't out to get responsible gun owners, the USCCA and TX Law Shield etc. wouldn't need to have such high retainer limits now would they? Face it the world we live in isn't really a gun friendly world inspite of the laws and legalities. That's why I will never open carry even though it is legal. I don't want to alarm the sheeple and have unnecessary contact with LE. Both of which are going to happen if you choose to open carry in TX.
      I read an article that Massad Ayoob wrote a while back about modifying your carry gun (i.e. lighten trigger) and that doing so could be used against you in a shooting. Basically if you are involved in a shooting, it would be a good idea to have a pretty much a stock gun in your possesion.

      Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
      I should clarify. I did a renewal class not long ago but spaced out and forgot to send in my packet. I'm doing the class again tomorrow, but I guess technically it's a "new license" since I let it lapse.
      Crap, I did the same thing a few years ago too. And I almost did it this last time and I had to rush my paperwork to get it done because of some new BS change where because I was born out of the country, I had to submit some additional stuff and I had to get my passport renewed.


      • #18
        WOOT! it came in the mail today.

