The whole Garland incident ended up being a motivating factor as I finally got off my ass and took the CHL class. I just finished submitting all my forms and I will do my fingerprints on Monday morning.
About damn time.
I didn't do too bad on the firing qualification but, as you can see here, I screwed up on my very last shot.
I've been trying on my PX4 Storm Compact with an Alienware holster and frankly it feels a bit bulky. I think I'm going to get something a little smaller for my CCW. Anyone have recommendations? I would like to go with 9mm Luger ammo to match my Beretta but I'm not dead set on it..
About damn time.
I didn't do too bad on the firing qualification but, as you can see here, I screwed up on my very last shot.
I've been trying on my PX4 Storm Compact with an Alienware holster and frankly it feels a bit bulky. I think I'm going to get something a little smaller for my CCW. Anyone have recommendations? I would like to go with 9mm Luger ammo to match my Beretta but I'm not dead set on it..
