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Who's gonna open carry?

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  • Originally posted by ceyko View Post
    Dude, you ain't done shit man for OUR rights! You gotta quit your job and PROTEST all the time and sit behind a keyboard and randomly call people dumbasses...etc..etc

    You best sit back and learn some shit right here. Maybe you'll gain some nut swingers too!
    Not at all, but you should all be thanking us for cementing your God-given rights.

    Also, what you can do is either join up with us or donate to the cause.
    A truly brilliant mind among… You guys.


    • I guess we just can't all be as good as this douchebag..

      There’s a reason some of the loudest activists want Texas to do away with handgun licenses.

      Their past crimes mean they can’t get one.

      One Houston activist arrested Thursday outside a Texas Capitol hearing has a long criminal record, including convictions for deadly conduct, criminal mischief and drunken driving, the Houston Chronicle reported Saturday.

      In Tarrant County, open-carry protest leader Kory Watkins’ extensive record of misdemeanor arrests includes a guilty plea in a 2000 North Richland Hills theft.

      Watkins, then 17, was one of three teenagers caught with two 15-inch subwoofer speakers and 44 CDs stolen from a pickup on Southgate Drive, according to North Richland Hills police records.

      Today, he is an elected Republican precinct chairman in Mansfield and an outspoken activist for “constitutional carry” of handguns, meaning without a license.

      But since his guilty plea in the Class A misdemeanor, Watkins had been ineligible for Texas’ license.

      Depending on his other misdemeanors, Watkins might be eligible by now or in another state. Mostly, though, he has said that he considers licenses an unjust interference with what he calls his “God-given rights.”

      Fifteen years before his threats and menacing behavior shocked the Texas Capitol into installing panic buttons, Watkins was a Keller teen with a burglary tool.

      He was riding in the front seat of a Ford Explorer when police stopped it on Grapevine Highway minutes after a Dodge pickup’s passenger window was broken.

      According to the police report: “While searching Watkins … [the officer] found a piece of porcelain from a sparkplug in his left front pants pocket.”

      Police found the speakers and CDs.

      In the glove box in front of Watkins, police found a hand-held radio, a tool case with eight screwdrivers and a container with more such porcelain, “commonly used to break out windows when burglarizing vehicles,” quoting the report.

      The other two boys were juveniles, according to the report. They gave audio statements confessing the burglary.

      Watkins pleaded guilty and accepted an 18-month probation and deferred adjudication, according to county records.

      Two years later, the case was wiped from his official record after he successfully completed probation.

      But even the deferred adjudication disqualified him as a “good Texan” eligible to carry a handgun.

      Frankly, I’m not sure why this hasn’t come up. Watkins’ opponent published it last year during the election.

      With campaign support from fellow Ron Paul delegates in the county party, Watkins upset incumbent Sherri Heinzman and won Precinct 2360 by 57 votes.

      On Thursday, all eyes were on Watkins as he told a Senate committee that if lawmakers “go against my God-given rights, I will continue to walk around with an AK-47.”

      Outside, Open Carry Texas chapter leader Travis Kuenstler, 34, was arrested by troopers at the Capitol entrance and will face a charge of criminal trespass. Witnesses said troopers had warned him not to come in with what appears in amateur videos to be a plastic toy gun.

      The Chronicle identified Kuenstler, 34, as a Marine with arrests including a 2008 case involving possession of an amphetamine. Kuenstler spent 60 days in jail on the deadly conduct charge, the newspaper said.

      Anyone can speak at the Capitol, regardless of criminal past.

      But some deserve less attention.

      Read more here:


      • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
        Not at all, but you should all be thanking us for cementing your God-given rights.

        Also, what you can do is either join up with us or donate to the cause.
        "God" given rights lmao...


        • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
          Not at all, but you should all be thanking us for cementing your God-given rights.

          Also, what you can do is either join up with us or donate to the cause.
          Yeah, that is an organization I want to be a part of.. Criminals and nitwits google searching forums to try and start shit. And doing so anonymously. Sadly, I probably agree with many of the basic tenets of your organization, but in this case, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend, he is a fucking moron.

          Carry on dipshit..


          • That was just the Star-Telegram trying to slander us and Mr. Watkins. If you would like the full story, email or contact him.
            A truly brilliant mind among… You guys.


            • Also to the coward who locked my account: you are a truly pathetic individual.
              A truly brilliant mind among… You guys.


              • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
                That was just the Star-Telegram trying to slander us and Mr. Watkins. If you would like the full story, email or contact him.
                Why not just share the full story and exonerate your beloved leader?


                • Who is triplexlwoflshit?


                  • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
                    That was just the Star-Telegram trying to slander us and Mr. Watkins. If you would like the full story, email or contact him.
                    Libel is written, slander is spoken.. Just so you know.

                    So are you saying that he did not commit those crimes mentioned in the story? So he's suing the Star Telegram now (for libel), right? Why should I contact him, when I have his personal nut-swinger right here, educating me?

                    Frankly, I have no interest in the real story as it relates to him. You're stupid-ass coming on here just to stir up shit, just like the stupid publicity stunt bullshit he loves to pull, tells me all I need to know about you, him, and your organization. And that is very unfortunate.


                    • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
                      Also to the coward who locked my account: you are a truly pathetic individual.
                      Why? You add nothing of value here. Well, maybe some mild entertainment, and you clearly came here to act like a jack-ass. You're lucky you haven't just been banned outright.


                      • I am trying to find some other like-minded people who are interested and open carry, and furthering our cause. If it was not for us, you people would not have more God-given gun rights at this point.
                        A truly brilliant mind among… You guys.


                        • Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                          Who is triplexlwoflshit?
                          I'm guessing this guy..


                          • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
                            I am trying to find some other like-minded people who are interested and open carry, and furthering our cause. If it was not for us, you people would not have more God-given gun rights at this point.
                            That is EXACTLY how your first post came across!!

                            Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
                            Hey guys, I found this thread on google. Anyways, I am a local open carry supporter and member of OC Texas. I dont know why you hate Mr. Watkins (a great man and true american, unlike some of you punks).

                            I also dont get why you wont open carry. The best way to stop threats is to have a gun visible, but you dumbasses dont seem to understand basic logic. Whatever, but dont slander Watkins (a true patriot actually fighting for our rights).


                            • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
                              "you people"


                              • Originally posted by TripleXLWolfShirt View Post
                                I am trying to find some other like-minded people who are interested and open carry, and furthering our cause. If it was not for us, you people would not have more God-given gun rights at this point.
                                Move along - we don't like you
                                2012 GT500

