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what would you buy?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Cobraman View Post
    Someone was shooting one beside me at the range. It was unbearable to stand beside. Freakin loud.
    That seals it, how much?


    • #47
      PM sent BMCSean


      • #48
        Those 92's are sweet.


        • #49
          Originally posted by BMCSean View Post
          That seals it, how much?
          Lets just say id rather have that Wilson Beretta... Lol
          2012 GT500


          • #50
            Almost bought a coonan but they wouldn't budge off $2k. Bought a delta elite from Yale instead.


            • #51
              Will never buy a coonan. The owner is an anti 2a dickwad:

              "On the topic of home security, Dan Coonan says, 'Get a dog'." He works with an anti gun group (evolve maybe?).
              Originally posted by lincolnboy
              After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


              • #52
                Why would you want a .357 magnum 1911? A 10mm is exactly the same thing.
                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                • #53
                  Originally posted by FunFordCobra View Post
                  Almost bought a coonan but they wouldn't budge off $2k. Bought a delta elite from Yale instead.
                  Thanks man!
                  ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by CJ View Post
                    Why would you want a .357 magnum 1911? A 10mm is exactly the same thing.
                    Because 'Merica!!
                    I would like to have one...
                    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


                    • #55
                      How about this? If this was local I would have already bought the thing.

                      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                      • #56
                        That 610 is bad ass. Those moon clips throw me off although. I understand you don't HAVE to use them.


                        • #57
                          If you want to be able to remove the spent cases without using a stick you will need to use the moon clips. Moon clips are the best speed loader on the planet for a revolver.
                          Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                          • #58
                            610's are boss.
                            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Jose View Post
                              AR or AK would be my choice.

                              And if AK, a VEPR in 308 may be something worth looking at. Just bought one myself.

                              Arms of America is a 100% US Military Veteran owned and operated AK Rifles and firearms business in Texas. Call us today!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                                Will never buy a coonan. The owner is an anti 2a dickwad:

                                "On the topic of home security, Dan Coonan says, 'Get a dog'." He works with an anti gun group (evolve maybe?).

                                WTF? How and why is this guy an anti 2nd type? Is there any place online that you can read about his views? Who does he want to sell his guns to if he is an anti 2nd type?

                                In reference to the below tags(which are fucking hysterical); I normally carry around a lot more than $1200.
                                Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.

