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head scratcher... 357 vs ak

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  • head scratcher... 357 vs ak

    Offered up a stainless model 66-2 (4" 357 mint) .

    Other is an Arsenal SAM7UF...

    I'm torn. Which will be the better resale value and more desirable in yalls opinion?

    I'm dieing for a nice full size 357 4" but I love the quality of US"made" Arsenal AKs.

  • #2
    Get one, shoot the guy that has the other and keep both!


    • #3
      Lol... Denny... U gunna be there so I can jump in the back or ur mexico mobile? I mean GMC el Camino


      • #4
        Aye juey!


        • #5


          • #6
            Well, what would ubpay for a clean stainless 66-2 Sean?


            • #7
              $500-600 would be market, so I would shoot for $450-500.


              • #8
                Ill give you 800 for the aresenal


                • #9
                  Manufacturing quality was never a part of the original AK design, so it's ironic to use the words together.

                  As for resale. In the USA, I'd bet money on the AK. They will be banned eventually since they are scary looking and have big capacity magazines. The 357 will never get banned because it looks old fashioned.

                  Never mind that my old M1 Garand will blow a bigger hole in more people faster than either of them..... that sort of factual thing is just irrelevant in today's society.


                  • #10
                    You are the king of gun ADD! Just get one........I bet 200 bucks you will trade it away in 30 days anyways.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by likeitfast55 View Post
                      You are the king of gun ADD! Just get one........I bet 200 bucks you will trade it away in 30 days anyways.
                      LOL!!!We all suffer some level of ADD when it comes to guns, tits and fast cars!
                      Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                        Manufacturing quality was never a part of the original AK design, so it's ironic to use the words together.

                        As for resale. In the USA, I'd bet money on the AK. They will be banned eventually since they are scary looking and have big capacity magazines. The 357 will never get banned because it looks old fashioned.

                        Never mind that my old M1 Garand will blow a bigger hole in more people faster than either of them..... that sort of factual thing is just irrelevant in today's society.
                        Considering the clip vs mag capacity in an M1 vs AK, I call bullshit. AK is definitely going to be faster than an M1, especially if we are talking 30 rounds.
                        I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                        Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                          Considering the clip vs mag capacity in an M1 vs AK, I call bullshit. AK is definitely going to be faster than an M1, especially if we are talking 30 rounds.
                          Is mag capacity the end all be all? You are failing to consider ballistics accuracy and range. There are a lot of reasons no sniper carries an AK.

                          And if you have to get shot with one rd of 7.62x39 or 30-06 in the same spot which do you choose? The reality is that no one is trying to legislate the garland which when loaded with m2 ap which is legal to own will destroy most any body armor or helmet ever devised from 300 plus yards with ease.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                            Is mag capacity the end all be all? You are failing to consider ballistics accuracy and range. There are a lot of reasons no sniper carries an AK.

                            And if you have to get shot with one rd of 7.62x39 or 30-06 in the same spot which do you choose? The reality is that no one is trying to legislate the garland which when loaded with m2 ap which is legal to own will destroy most any body armor or helmet ever devised from 300 plus yards with ease.
                            1. Yes, in modern combat magazine capacity and volume of fire are the name of the game. Prior to the Second World War, volly fire at ranges exceeding 1,000 meters was commonplace and rifles were equipped with sights for this purpose.
                            2. The ballistics and accuracy of the US Caliber .30 M1 Rifle firing M2 ball ammunition are decent, but the doctrine behind Kalashnikov's rifle was simply a horde of angry mechanized Soviets steamrolling an opposing force. The West Germans as such referred to NATO forces as speed bumps.
                            3. There are plenty of "sniper", DMR, and precision AK variants. The platform is capable of being accurate.
                            4. If I have to get shot by a .30 caliber projectile somewhere, I don't give a fuck which one it is. I will most likely die unless it hits me in the goddamn pinky toe. You wont be less dead if a projectile with a a bit less energy than another hits you in the face.
                            Originally posted by lincolnboy
                            After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.

