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Lionheart Ind

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Probie View Post
    It's also a longer trigger pull with more weight, which makes it easier to throw a shot. And then the second trigger pull is completely different than the first. A consistent trigger pull is much easier to learn because they know what to expect every single time.
    Not really. Many of the DAO striker fired pistols out there have horrible triggers. I guess you are arguing that a horrible trigger all the time is better than a good quality DA/SA? I'd beg to differ and will back it up at the range. I have DA/SA pistols, DAO only pistols and SA only pistols. The best triggers are on 1911s and that's why they remain so popular. A DA/SA Sig in SA mode with a SRT comes really close to the 1911 for feel and predictability though. DAO triggers pretty much just suck all the time which is what most people carry these days.

