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kel Tec p3at .380acp worth a damn?

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  • kel Tec p3at .380acp worth a damn?

    I realize its an inexpensive gun.....but does anyone have one and is it any good?

  • #2
    98% replica of the LCP. i ahve the lcp and have had zero issues. my cousin has a keltec and he loves it.

    god bless.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      I had one- they are a shittier copy of the lcp. I put 100 rounds through mine and had at least 15+ failures with different brands of quality ammo. Trigger sucks, recoil sucks, save your money for some worth a damn
      2012 GT500


      • #4
        I have one I bought in 2005. Didn't the lap come after that?


        • #5
          Originally posted by BradM View Post
          I have one I bought in 2005. Didn't the lap come after that?
          you know what B-rad, you might be right, i thin i got my lcp in 08 or so and they had just came out.

          god bless.
          It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


          • #6
            Originally posted by Cobraman View Post
            I had one- they are a shittier copy of the lcp. I put 100 rounds through mine and had at least 15+ failures with different brands of quality ammo. Trigger sucks, recoil sucks, save your money for some worth a damn
            Yeah I kinda got a chuckle there...the P3at came out first...Ruger basically made a prettier version of it with LCP, then they copied the PF9 and added a safety calling it the LC9.


            • #7
              My dad has a Kel-Tec 380 and .32 He likes them both. For the size and cost I'd say they are great little guns.


              • #8
                Found one for sale used but in practically new condition in the original box..guy said he'd take $225 for it and was thinking about picking it up as a lightweight summer carry gun. Although I've carried the .40 in the summer months...sometimes I find myself wishing I had something a little lighter under a few circumstances and the P3at seems to be just about as light as I could imagine a .380 being.


                • #9
                  The Keltec came out first I'm almost positive


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stephen View Post
                    The Keltec came out first I'm almost positive
                    Yes it did.The only problem I have with mine is cycling personal defense rounds.


                    • #11
                      Our kitchen gun is a Keltec P-3AT.

                      It's small and doesn't pack a ton of punch, comparitively, but if someone sneaks up on my while I'm cooking... well, it'll do the job.

                      (seriously, we keep a .380 and Surefire light in a kitchen drawer)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
                        Found one for sale used but in practically new condition in the original box..guy said he'd take $225 for it and was thinking about picking it up as a lightweight summer carry gun. Although I've carried the .40 in the summer months...sometimes I find myself wishing I had something a little lighter under a few circumstances and the P3at seems to be just about as light as I could imagine a .380 being.
                        Pick up an xds, lc9s, or a sig 938

                        I beg of you not to trust your life to a p3at
                        2012 GT500


                        • #13
                          "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


                          • #14
                            Serious advice...
                            Mine won't feed anything but FMJ. Wanna run JHP? It's gonna crash into the feed ramp and lock up every time.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SOLOW55 View Post
                              Yes it did.The only problem I have with mine is cycling personal defense rounds.
                              So its only problem is doing its only job?

